The ONE MJ Dance Move No One Ever Talks About


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Jul 25, 2011
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That lil scoot he does across the stage is classic. He also does it in the videos from the Destiny and Triumph tours..Oh and I forget Victory
yep. the scoot thing lol. i kinda wish he did that more often because its so funny and cute :)
He did that in "Bad" kind of. The moonwalk is overrated. There's a lot of dance steps Michael does that nobody ever talks about, annoying as it is.
He did the 'forward moonwalk' in one of the Bad tour concerts and it's extraordinary!! but I forgot in which performance he did it. otherwise, I'll post it here.
^^ He did it when performing Bad,at the Wembley stadium. He also did it at the MJ & Friends Concerts in Germany and Korea, during the medley. :)
He did that in "Bad" kind of. The moonwalk is overrated. There's a lot of dance steps Michael does that nobody ever talks about, annoying as it is.

So true. just think that in terms of popularity, the moonwalk got so big tho that it eclipsed all his other dance moves , but it kinda annoys me that so many think Michael is just about the moonwalk, the spins and the kick. He has other dance moves no one ever talks about and he is a much more versatile dancer than given credit for.
That's totally true. The moonwalk is probably Michael's simplist step, but everyone is so wowed by it. If you watch his performance on "Motown 25" for example, it's what Michael does coming out of the moonwalk that's so extraordinary, and any dancer will tell you this. The way he does five spins super fast and then jumps on his toes is incredible. And just the sheer coordination and control of the steps in the opening of that routine is off the chain. But it all gets overshadowed by a freaking gliding move, lol. I'm more impressed with Michael's jazz steps and tap steps and overall classical steps then any sort of hip hop movement though. If you look at him dance, you'll see him do steps with every part of his body, from his head, to his shoulders, to his hands and fingers.
Here's another dance move of MJ's which is really cool (It starts at 3:57)

Michael is a really fast dance as well. There are moves he does where if you blink you'll miss them. I decided to watch the Smooth Criminal video in slow motion today and i was amazed at the amount of dance steps he did that i never noticed before because he did them so damn fast.
It's good that you pointed that out analogue, because what a lot of people miss about Michael's dancing is how intricate it is. Now I've said this a gazillion times before, but if you really watch Michael closely when he dances, you'll notice that in between every choreographed step and/or pose, in getting to each one, he performs several interim steps, very subtle adjustments which carry him to each pose with total accuracy and efficency. It's why he's so precise as a dancer. It's just something he does naturally too. He isn't thinking about it. On top of which, all of the subtle ending poses he does which people don't always pick up on. Like when he touches either side of his shoulders, and then he'll bring his arm out, shift his hips and then finish by poitning his hand straight and down. He's the most involved dancer in terms of using his entire body and having such superb control of it.
The "moonwalk" he did was the "backslide", which is pretty boring. Compared to the real moonwalk (the circling movement, etc.). ;)

Other than that, yeah, he has done other great dances over the years. I like the dance he did during the performances of "Off the Wall" when he would slide his feet and body to the rhythm. I do that sometimes. :giggle:
Yeah, I mean, I like the moonwalk and he does it best, but it's not really that difficult of a move. Michael's dancing is so much more than the moonwalk, seriously.
He did the 'forward moonwalk' in one of the Bad tour concerts and it's extraordinary!! but I forgot in which performance he did it. otherwise, I'll post it here.

^^ He did it when performing Bad,at the Wembley stadium. He also did it at the MJ & Friends Concerts in Germany and Korea, during the medley. :)

hmm Im a bit lost...which move is this u guys are talking about? :unsure: Now Im curious.....any videos? :scratch:
Here's another dance move of MJ's which is really cool (It starts at 3:57)

Michael is a really fast dance as well. There are moves he does where if you blink you'll miss them. I decided to watch the Smooth Criminal video in slow motion today and i was amazed at the amount of dance steps he did that i never noticed before because he did them so damn fast.

yeah he's SO DANG FAST it's incredible and extremely intricate. One move I like was when he does that backward thing during the chant with his feet and legs twisting and scooting. I think he also does it on a J5 medly song.

there is no part of MJ's body that is NOT moving when he dances, and it's all just there with not much thought, just the natural rhythm of his body being one with the music. Of course he rehearses things over and over again, but you can tell there's things that are there just because he felt like it. I'm surprised he doesn't faint after an hour of so much intense dancing, let alone 2 or 3 during a concert. His metabolism must be extremely high to be able to sustain himself constantly like that. It's both exhilerating and exhausting to watch him, esp. if you look to closely.