**~The offical appreication thread for all of ur favorite WWE SUPERSTARS~**

sweet princess

Proud Member
Mar 16, 2005
Here you can post all your favorite WWE SUPERSTARS pics bio videos and discuss the news that invovles them. Please remember all our views are different, NO FIGHTING If there is fighting, I will ask the mods to close this thread. I made this thread for everyone.






These are some of my favs.. MAN I MISS GOLDBERG

Best faction e-e-e-e-ver.

D-X = Really good nWo knock-offs. The nWo even did the damn crotch chop before D-X. Too many noobs are unaware of the greatness of the nWo.

... and this count because they were technically in WWE for awhile lol. Even though the WWE version got crappy after one month.
oh the nostalgia. baow wow wow yippe yo yippe yeea, a riba la rasa all day every day

but it's this house-cleaning, helicopter-dangling dude that i rooted for


as for showmanship it has to be all the WCW lightweight luchadors who knew how to kick arse with style.
This is my favorite all-time moment in pro wrestling. Historical for any longtime fan.


Awesome speech. The day Hulk Hogan turned bad :).
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Speaking of Hall and Sting, the idea for Stinger's new gimmick apparently came from Scott Hall.

Excerpt from Eric Bischoff's book:

Scott Hall came up with something he called "scary Sting." He wanted Sting's character to have a little mystery about him, and danger. We never discussed it, but my guess is that Scott Hall had seen the movie "The Crow" shortly before, because the connections between the lead character in the movie and what he suggested for Sting seemed so obvious. They were both avengers, both mysterious, both out to right wrongs.

Oh, that Scott Hall. I can see him hoping that no one would figure it out lol.
yeah i know it's crazy! Hall also came up with the Wolfpac and contributed greatly to the idea of nWo in the first place.
Yeah, Hall & Nash were the Cool in the nWo creatively. Seeing in his prime makes it ridiculous that he never won a World Title. He was so much more talented than a lot of people who have won World Titles.
as i mentioned earlier, you guys made me want to revisit all this so i went and checked out various shoot interviews

this is Hall's

(1 of 4 parts)

seems like a top bloke. he even started crying at the mentioning of Chris Benoit.
Yeah, Hall & Nash were the Cool in the nWo creatively. Seeing in his prime makes it ridiculous that he never won a World Title. He was so much more talented than a lot of people who have won World Titles.
yeah he talks about that in the above interview admitting that he was in it more for the money than the image.
I think he cared about putting on the best show possible, as mentioned in the part about losing to Jericho, but not necessarily interested in making himself as big as possible. Which is rare.

And yeah, he loves money lol. Nothin' wrong with that.
well at least he didn't go down the road of Jake The Snake Roberts. that guy is a tragedy, i saw a documentary on wrestling that told his story.

Goldberg was an awesome powerhouse. I didn't like him much when I was a little kid because it was more interesting to root for people who actually had to struggle to win a match lol, but going back and watching Goldberg's stuff now, he was great in WCW. WWE really diminished what he was all about, which they have a tendency to do when they sign former WCW guys.

This was the most impressive 'plex on Giant I've ever seen (go to 5:35):


He didn't get him up as long as 'Berg, but it's the size difference that really makes this incredible.
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^^ With that plex, it's a lot of weight distribution to get him over.. While it's still impressive.. If u watch that Goldberg video, and see how the Giant hardly leaps at all, his body goes straight in the air. Lowering the body, like Henning did to grab his leg, changes the weight over differently..

A suplex, or jackhammer is using the legs/back/shoulders.. (other muscles go into but it's secondary)

the henning plex uses legs/back/shoulder/ arms/ weight distribution/and gravity.

Henning plex works WITH gravity, aswell as against it, as jackhammer is fully against gravity..

BUT! I don't want to take anything from Henning, it's impressive..

The most impressive lifts I have seen done on Giant goes in this order..
1) Goldberg Jackhammer
2) Kevin Nash powerbomb (He did it better durring rehearsal)
3) Henning Plex
Yeah, you're right. I was just enthralled by the size difference that I didn't pay attention to Goldberg technically performing a more awe inspiring feat.

You know, I thought for the longest time until recently that Hennig's name was "Henning." I'm not picking on you typing it that way, but it seriously sounds like that every time someone has said his name, hasn't it?
I miss all these old school wrestlers.. I have a hard time getting back into wrestling seeing 70% of wrestlers are new and not as good. and 30% of the wrestlers that I loved then have changed so much..

I slowly got out of wrestling end of 2003-2004..

I thought wrestling started to decline in general around the time of the 'NEW BLOOD'. that was stupid.. Then seeing Kurt Angle ripp off old Stone Cold legendary moments.. Doing the beer truck to the ring, but with a milk truck.. Stone Cold ripped himself off too.. Remember when he threatning the Rock to throw his belt into the river.. He did the same thing to Kurt Angles Olympic metals..

The stories started to ripp of old stores.. this is when I slowly got sick of it.. The writting team just turned into crap..
Carlito gets his ass handed to him :Dhttp://youtube.com/watch?v=bTMCpGKveqU&feature=related