the news media is making me angry


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
the news media is making me angry :mat: :yes:

they're talking about the drugs and that stupid nuse is talking about it too they all making me sick :puke: i just what to hurt them back i hate news people they make me sick i just what to fight with with them and beat the hell of them everyday they're keep on keep on telling the same storys about him that he is too thin too white he looks so sick and i was watching the video of the dance relharh :yes: it was amzing and he look grat and loks o.k can the news just listen to MJ friends what they're telling about MJ life i'm so tried of this i need to speak in my own words to the news people to the whole world what is the truth :yes: :cry:

please help me i'm tried of this :yes: is making me :cry: and making me :mat:
shut it out, don't watch the bad stuff. if it hurts you then don't watch it- it's not good for your health
The media is pissing me off too! I expected this though from them. They are determined to portray him as a lonely, unhappy, drug addicted hasbeen. They just wont ever stop. It seems like while living Michael's life was chaotic and now in death it's even more chaotic. They will never let this man rest in peace. It's sad really.
I been stop watching the news. If you continue to do so, just use the MUTE button when some jerk comes on or says something stupid.
The media is making me angry as well. That's why i stopped watching the news and reading newspapers.
I ignore most of what is said about him in the media's, and considering how huge a star MJ was it's more or less what I was expecting...

The only thing that really pisses me of is when people in the media say that everything he has made after "Thriller" is crap :smilerolleyes: did those idiots ever listen to his music :doh:
What pisses me of are the people who pretend that they love him.
Yeah of course, nobbody even rememdered him, when he was alive.
And now is everyone a Fan???
They buy CD's like...oh Michael Jackson...yeah right he did great stuff?
But I never liked him, because he was out.
Just ignore them. They will never understand what they did to him and still doing to him.
We just know better.

I stopped listining to them years ago. Al those lies they tell. They also did that with Prinses Diana. And they still never learned from it.
i agree all of you :yes:

i try to stop it :yes: to watch the news but i have to know what is happen and what is the truth :yes:

but know all the news is making me sick know :yes: the news making me sick know :yes: they think is o.k to talk about Michael in nice cause he is die :yes: i don't understand in people in that way :yes:
:lol: this will tell the media off :yes: :giggle:

Haha OMG loveeeee it! Thanx so much! I have never seen that pic before wow go Mike!
i never saw that picture too :yes:

i just saw it on facebook someone post it there so i cop it and i through it o.k to post it in here :giggle: :yes: