The new songs...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Where are the new songs? Were there not several confirmations that there were new songs on the tour? Didn't some of the dancers say they had done new stuff and it was amazing but they cant say jack about it? Unless I've been misinformed of course.
Yes, I remember hearing the smae from dancers etc. I guess maybe Sony edited down the film and cut them out.

They only ever want us to buy Greatest hits albums,. How many more repackaged G.Hits albums have we to buy?
if there are new songs that were gonna be on the 'this is it tour', they belonged to michael and not sony. sony owns the rights to old songs so they can release and play them to us, but if it is a recent song that michael has not yet released there is so much red they wont go there.....

but we will hear new songs soon i hope but it may not be with sony
the estate can release them with whomever they like...!! happy days

Here is will.I.Am talking about what they recorded confirming that it was more than 1 song they did together and that many were unfinished. I guess has the instrumental track on his hard drive and Michael Jackson had his own hard drive with his own vocals that was seperate from Will.I.Ams. To finish the tracks that I guess will never completely be finished without michael jackson here to put in the final touches.

Will.I.Am also says that he does not want to get in the middle of trying to profit off michaels death.

Will says one of the unfinished recordings is a song called, "I'm Gonna Miss You" about James Browns passing.

He would have to talk to the estate work out all the money and releasing stuff and find the hard drive and then get his out to finish it. He doesn't sound confident about the greed in those that will attempt to profit off his friends death.

Also says him and Michael Jackson were not planning an album rather it was more like friends getting together to make good music.

He also says the music would be awesome if completed.

Here is will.I.Am talking about what they recorded confirming that it was more than 1 song they did together and that many were unfinished. I guess has the instrumental track on his hard drive and Michael Jackson had his own hard drive with his own vocals that was seperate from Will.I.Ams. To finish the tracks that I guess will never completely be finished without michael jackson here to put in the final touches.

Will.I.Am also says that he does not want to get in the middle of trying to profit off michaels death.

Will says one of the unfinished recordings is a song called, "I'm Gonna Miss You" about James Browns passing.

He would have to talk to the estate work out all the money and releasing stuff and find the hard drive and then get his out to finish it. He doesn't sound confident about the greed in those that will attempt to profit off his friends death.

Also says him and Michael Jackson were not planning an album rather it was more like friends getting together to make good music.

He also says the music would be awesome if completed.