The new Slash album is awesome.



Awesome album. Much better than I was expecting. I've found Slash's post-GNR work to be hit and miss. I loved the first Velvet Revolver album but hated the second and I wasn't really fussed about that first Snakepit album.

But this album is one solid track after another. My favourites are Gotten, Promise, Crucify The Dead, By The Sword and We're All Gonna Die (such a fun little rocker).
I'd really like to see him in London next october...too bad I hate that Alter Bridge singer..
sorry I got dates mixed up!he's doing download festival so far.
but I have some friends who are into alter b and they are expecting them to perform together in london like they did at the roxy some days ago
YES!!!! the album is great

Few i like are Beautiful Dangerous, Crucify the Dead, By The Sword, Baby Can't Drive (Alice Cooper is mint) and i few others i can't remember names right now
And the remake of Paradise City is pretty good as well, not as good as the orig but a pretty good remake.