The most positive and negative sides of being Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What do you think are the most positive and what the most negative sides of being Michael? Sometimes he looks VERY happy and sometimes sad. So what do you think makes him so happy and what sad? Are they something completely different things than common people has?
Positive: the admiration of millions of people around the world and being respected as the King of Pop.

Negative: the isolation that comes with having fame since childhood and being ridiculed relentlessly by the media.
Me myself think that the most positive thing is to get living with a chimp for years and then the most negative has been when the monkey beat it. Like we all know all the rest has been so normal life...

Seriously speaking, I still have to think about this...
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Positive: His legacy - I'm sure Michael himself knows he's going to be well-known for years on after his time and his professional work/achievements have put his stamp on music history. Not a lot of people have that on their resumé, lol.

Negative: All the bad press. - It really breaks my heart to see someone who doesn't deserve that kind of thing to have his name dragged through the dirt b/c of the media.
There are no negative sides of being Michael Jackson
I love and accept the person he Is without question !
Now yes there's a Negative side of Michael Jackson being famous like ''Constant Scrutny,Invasiveness and being Dissected like a lab rat by other humans ...
Positive- Michael is loved and admired by all of his fans around the world.. His fame and success will be known and will go down in history.

Negative- the media and their stupid lies. Them always twisting things and making up rumors!!!assumptions, scruntinty etc...ughhhh
Positive - Feeling of personal satisfaction and achievement

Negative - The most misunderstood person in the world

His life is really bittersweet...
Positive- Being loved and admired by millions of fans and especially children all over the world!! Helping to save childrens lives from poverty or sickness,Creating great entertainment that is given to him through his blessed gift from God!! Being a father to his own children!!

Negative- The Press always hounding him never giving him a moments peace even in the bathroom! He cannot go anywhere without having to have security not even a short drive to a store or fast food place things we all take for granted in our lives!! Being accused,used,judged,betrayed,stabbed in the back and slandered by people he originally set out to help practically trying to destroy everything he worked his butt off for including his very existence!! Being treated like an object or something not real hurts him alot,being treated like a piece of meat or something to be screamed at pulled on or almost pulled apart he is a real life flesh and blood human being with a heart and feelings the same as everyone else!! Mostly just not being respected and called things like ***** *****,Freak,Monster,Weird and Strange are all things that do indeed have a negative impact on him!! Do not judge a man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins!!
Positive - His contributions to the entertainment industry. His kindness and will to help others.

Negative - Being too trusting (although he probably no longer is since the trial).
I love michael's sensitivity that's a big strenght In a man , A plus ... some people are weak when It comes to embracing their sensitive side ,were as michael has confidence In who he Is an not afraid to show such emotion...
It's so sad that other people are not able to accept how michael looks ,He's Beautiful/Handsome has been since birth ,so It's not michael with the problem of self acceptance ,but other people who can't accept natural human developement that michael goes through ,Instead michael Is boxed Into the Images of yester year some people wanna keep him there and refuse to accept change ...Which makes It not michael's Inner problems ,but It Is the Inner problem of those Individuals who are stuck In the past (they want little michael Jackson,they want the thriller and bad years michael etc,ect.. ) well he's all grown up and moving forward to new things In life ...
POSITIVE: His unmatchabe talent and influence:clapping:

NEGATIVE: Michael is waaay to gullible, the Dieter Weisners and Bashirs have proved that he is. I mean signing the use of his own name away, who would do that?

And I think Michael's biggest ememy is IDEALISM. I saw the passion in his eyes when he said "I think the whole world should do it" Sadly the general public doesnt think that way , with so many pedophiles running around in the world, I feel Michael should have forseen that his revelation about sometimes sharing his bed with children was going to send shockwaves among the ignorant public. But because Michael is so innocent and sure what he was doing was right, he did not forsee his revelation would be a cause for concern, and thats where his problem lies.
Michael is too far removed from the real world, although its a good character trait, since we love him so much because of that, its not a good thing for a business man or someone in the public eye where money hungry people are ready to take advantage of him.
Ok the next number for your Bingo card.... lucky numberrrrrr 13!!

yes that's right folks it took y'all 13 posts before you started misbehaving :nono:

So here are some of the rules:


1. RESPECT one another or LEAVE.

2. No personal attacks on other message board users, MJJCommunity staff, Michael Jackson or any of his family or staff. No flaming, name calling, bashing and the like. Constructive criticism of Michael's staff and family is accepted and even of Michael but disrespect ain't getting it.

3. Mr. Jackson’s health will not be a topic of discussion here, nor will invasive personal discussions of his finances, private life and children be permitted.

Sooooo I deleted all the posts where folks were speculating on Mr Jackson's mental state. I also deleted all the posts arguing over whether or not he had plastic surgery and where.

Those kinda posts are not allowed..... bring it up again and you get to have an infraction which i'll personally deliver to you ;)

Okay let's play again....

*opens thread back up*

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I feel michael does not need elements of sorry or pity , not from the media and surely not from his own fan base...His compacity to think for himself constantly up for question ...God forbid the fact that he Is human like us all ,I don't think none of us can always positively forsee the Ill Intent of another person ('s) who are In our life ,neighbors, and friends ,so realistictly how could michael actually forsee danger '' when those former people who were around him clothed themselve's cleverly as friends '' and spoke words of love and care In his ear the whole time ... Michael Is In no way guillable but only took people at face value ,yes he got hurt In the end ...So would we all If It was us In his shoes...I have complete faith In michael's Judgement and his ability to determine his own life choice's and that's due to respect...
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I love michael's sensitivity that's a big strenght In a man , A plus ... some people are weak when It comes to embracing their sensitive side ,were as michael has confidence In who he Is an not afraid to show such emotion...
It's so sad that other people are not able to accept how michael looks ,He's Beautiful/Handsome has been since birth ,so It's not michael with the problem of self acceptance ,but other people who can't accept natural human developement that michael goes through ,Instead michael Is boxed Into the Images of yester year some people wanna keep him there and refuse to accept change ...Which makes It not michael's Inner problems ,but It Is the Inner problem of those Individuals who are stuck In the past (they want little michael Jackson,they want the thriller and bad years michael etc,ect.. ) well he's all grown up and moving forward to new things In life ...

Chile, you are talking too much sense. :cheers:
I have thought about this and I think

the most positive side: the touring
the most negative side: the touring

I don't know really.

I think he is happy about many things. All the things he has done, he has travelled the world many times. He has friends everywhere he goes. But these days I think what really matters to him is his children. Even if his new album only sells 1 album (the one I buy) I think Mike will be happy just because of the love of his children.

The most negative thing in his world most be the papparazzi!! And the media in general. Tabloids making up stupid stories about him just to sell magazines, that sucks!
What many tend forget, despite Mr.Jackson's notiriaty...he is just like you and me..."human"...

To make a very long story short...

When I managed a very popular local resturant, catering, pub, night club for 15 years...everyone knew everyone, this was the place everyone want to be, including but not limited to the Mayor, City Commissioner, Lawyers, Doctors, School Officials, Families etc. ect. would hang name it...

When one (s) are in the public, its difficult to always be smiling every minute of the day, especially when your focusing, and taking care of day to day business wether it be behind the stage, on the floor, or in the public eye....

"Heal The World"~~~"Education Is The Key"
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The most positive thing about being Michael, I would imagine, is the fact that he is incredibly gifted and he is able to and dose use those gifts in making the world a better place and in brightening the lives of others. That he can be so influential and important to others. The fact that he sees life with so much clarity and certainty, with so much truth, and that he doesn't allow social conditioning and pressure to derail his outlook of idealism or sincere belief in good, and in applying those ideals to his own life and to others lives. Because he can and does set an amazing example for everyone to follow, and that they should follow. In the way he conducts himself and in how he receives and treats other people. Everyone should be so kind and truly full of love as is Michael. He's a real life super hero.

What's negative in being Michael is how lonely he's been in life. That's entirely a result of being misunderstood or unrelateable to most people, of being different. They don't understand where it is he's coming from, the kind of life he's basically been forced to live, or the way in which he perceives the world. Because he is someone not easily defined or explained, he's faced a great deal of harsh rejection in his lifetime and I think, more then anything, that's really caused him to suffer. There is no burden so heavy as being alone, or feeling lost and out of place. It can be all consuming and suffocating, and by Michael's own admittance, he's carried that burden for a long, long time. Whether feeling it from his own family or from the world in general, I think Michael's dealt with the most extreme instances of isolation, of being singular and of being unaccepted. Being special among the world's population. People want to relate and fit in for the very reason of escaping loneliness. It's the one thing we all try to avoid with the utmost intent. But because of his life circumstance and who he is, how he sees, Michael's faced a more intense loneliness then I think anyone else and indeed more intense then any regular man or woman could understand. I hope his children have helped to relieve a large part of that. Though I know Michael will never fully rid himself of it.
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^^ I agree wannabe. Especially with the negative part. I just never understand/understood why people would not just listen to Michael. like really listen. Whenever I think about what happened during the two most harshest years of his life, it does make me sad tbh, cause that is the result of what you stated. And I'm sure his kids have helped him out in the largest; they are the best gift that he's ever received.
the positives are numerous...every video i see today..just about..says it all. and the press can't tell us that he has no legacy because of the videos alone, by Chris Brown, Usher and others..

the negative...the media that tries to be subtle...

and, sometimes desensitizing and blunt about things that should not even be joked about.
Wade ROBSON'S Thrillercast is what is so positive about MJ and what could have happened to some boys who shall remain nameless if they were not influenced by the evil media a nd greed. Now thier lives are virtually ruined. Wade Robson's is inspiring.
The best thing is he achieved most of the music awards during these years and there are millions of people who love and respect him.

The worst thing is some people use him and try to get a bite of him ,some media shows him as a child molester and made the worst rumor about him,and some stupid people belive these.