The Monday Night Wars Have Begin


Proud Member
Sep 23, 2011
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Starting March 8th Tna Impact will be moving to monday nights in my option i think it's a bad idea that they are doing that look what happen to wcw back on March 26, 2001 when wwe brought them out but i wanna hear your guys options
I'm not terribly excited about WWE's product, but I am all for another Monday Night Wars if it produces quality product...and with TNA's talent and them pushing Poe D'Angelo Dinero, I have high hopes for both the company and for Pope. He's my favorite wrestler right now! :)
IMO its a terrible idea. They are going to lose a lot of viewers who would prefer to watch Raw. Draw in the viewers on a different night of the week, THEN when the product is more well known move to Mondays.
It's actually a very smart move. TNA already tested the waters this past January and got their highest ratings EVER. They won't beat the WWE any time soon but direct competition makes things more interesting. It stirs the pot and makes people tune in to both to see what will happen.
It's actually a very smart move. TNA already tested the waters this past January and got their highest ratings EVER. They won't beat the WWE any time soon but direct competition makes things more interesting. It stirs the pot and makes people tune in to both to see what will happen.

That was different, they had Hulk Hogan and a whole range of big stars debuting on TNA that night.

On the regular shows they will lose viewers who watch Raw. Viewers they would still have on a different night.

Im not saying they shouldnt move to Monday nights, but I think they are rushing into it. Its especially stupid to do it at WrestleMania time when WWE's programming is arguably at its best and most exciting.
That was different, they had Hulk Hogan and a whole range of big stars debuting on TNA that night.

On the regular shows they will lose viewers who watch Raw. Viewers they would still have on a different night.

Im not saying they shouldnt move to Monday nights, but I think they are rushing into it. Its especially stupid to do it at WrestleMania time when WWE's programming is arguably at its best and most exciting.

That's just it. It is Wrestlemania time of year BUT the WWE isn't at it's best or most exciting. Quite the opposite. It's time for change and hopefully TNA accepts the challenge. Wrestling fans deserve better. Competition is good for everyone involved.
That's just it. It is Wrestlemania time of year BUT the WWE isn't at it's best or most exciting. Quite the opposite. It's time for change and hopefully TNA accepts the challenge. Wrestling fans deserve better. Competition is good for everyone involved.

WWE hasnt been as good as it is now for a long while.

You have the whole Shawn Michaels/ Triple H deal.

Bret Hart back on TV and feuding with Vince McMahon.

Thing between Batista and John Cena are starting to get interesting.

The last time things were this interesting was.........last year before WrestleMania when HHH was feuding with Randy Orton again.

Im sorry but I think they have picked completely the wrong time to move to Mondays. They should have at least waited till after WrestleMania.
It's bad for everyone , we need another rock , austin or hulk hogan to come along before this happens , their just aren't the wrestlers and characters to make it intresting

btw is vince going to vs Bret at wm

I know we all have freedom of speech and though but I have no idea how any wrestling fan could feel that way. Competition is what wrestling is all about. Without it, Vince is lazy and doesn't even try. And I'm sorry, but the WWE has been awful for most of the past decade. Ever since WCW went out of business, Vince stopped caring. I hope TNA lights a fire under his a$$. Actually, it already did. It's the only reason they got Bret for the Jan 4th edition of RAW.
I know we all have freedom of speech and though but I have no idea how any wrestling fan could feel that way. Competition is what wrestling is all about. Without it, Vince is lazy and doesn't even try. And I'm sorry, but the WWE has been awful for most of the past decade. Ever since WCW went out of business, Vince stopped caring. I hope TNA lights a fire under his a$$. Actually, it already did. It's the only reason they got Bret for the Jan 4th edition of RAW.

Yeah i suppose but for TNA i can't see it helping them
Remember, WCW Monday Nitro didn't start off a ratings winner; in face, early WCW was much like present day TNA: originally relying on the NWA title and running shows in a studio in Orlando. Nitro's first episode was at "Mall of America," if I recall correctly (I don't feel like looking it up), and the show itself as well as the wrestling boom didn't take place UNTIL Hogan joined the NWO.

TNA has everything to gain and nothing to lose, where at the worse, it'll just move back to Thursdays. On Monday nights, there are generally 5 million or so people watching wrestling, and if TNA can eat into just some of that by delivering on guys like Pope, Ken Anderson, Somoa Joe, AJ Styles, and their EXCELLENT Women's division, they will succeed.

In fact, I love Hamada and Awesome Kong as much as I love Pope. I hate that they suspended Kong and fired her best friend, Alyssa Flash/Melissa Anderson. Melissa is one of the best today, IMO.
Holy cow, there's wrestling fans on here? :lol:...I would've never known, but anywho, it should be good, the only that may end up hurting TNA is that all shows aren't going to be live, they'll be live every other week. So who knows, Vinny Mac may pull a Bischoff move and give away the results for a taped TNA broadcast, sort of like Bishoff did to him when he was running WCW.
It's a wise move. I still think TNA's biggest problem is that not enough people realize that they're out there and don't realize that they have some pretty big stars. If the casual wrestling fan watching RAW channel surfs during a commercial or during a boring segment and stumbles on TNA, the person will realize that there's an alternative.