Here's something that should provide a bit of fun It goes like this..
The first poster will give a clue about a certain Music Video for example "Filmed in a spooky mansion"
The second poster will then reply with their guess and their clue for the next Video.
Poster 1: Michael chasing after somebody in the woods
Poster 2: Thriller.
Filmed in a subway
Poster 3: Bad
Michael wears a piano shirt
And it continues like that!
The first clue is...
Begins with a coin being flicked into a Juke Box
The first poster will give a clue about a certain Music Video for example "Filmed in a spooky mansion"
The second poster will then reply with their guess and their clue for the next Video.
Poster 1: Michael chasing after somebody in the woods
Poster 2: Thriller.
Filmed in a subway
Poster 3: Bad
Michael wears a piano shirt
And it continues like that!
The first clue is...
Begins with a coin being flicked into a Juke Box