The MJ 2-Minute LOVE frequency tune-up


Proud Member
Mar 25, 2009
:cheeky: :heart: If I counted correctly, there are 65 separate Michael "love" moments ... from TII, Exeter, Oxford, award shows, Suzuki ad and lots and lots and lots of songs ... all in just two love-charging, chakra-clearing minutes :lol: Anyway, just lovely Michael saying and singing "love" over and over ... how could one ever get tired of that? Enjoy :wub: :angel:

Amazing!! Beautiful!! You did a wonderful job!! :heart: :heart:

:clapping: :clapping:
Aw man, LOVE LOVE LOVE this! ;) :heart: So beautiful! Thanks, mjbunny!

The way he pronounces 'love' is just a boost of love already in itself, haha. :angel:
Looks like Upside and my "My Life" video was inspiring to someone.. ;)
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:D I LOVE it so much! AMAZING! :wub: Thank you so much for posting. :flowers:
Cool video.

(I take back what I said).
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^Aw come on, this was made out of LOVE. And, compiling a video full of specific audio clips has been done many a guys were not the first. :p Have a little love, why don't cha, that is afterall what it's all about. :heart:
Glad you like it :heart:

Looks like Upside and my "My Life" video was inspiring to someone.. ;)

Oh my God, they totally copied our beautiful masterpeice. :(
Umm, lol, I actually don't know those, though! Just looked for and found the "My Life" video... soooo crazy, same kind of thing around the same time! (Great job, btw) :punk: MJ-inspired minds think alike? :lol: What's "Upside"? (P.S. now I see Upside is a person here, so sorry! Thought that was the name of another video I don't know, lol :flowers:)

This is where my idea came from: I have a casette tape on which I recorded the word "love" from random songs of all genres on the radio when I was kid. This went on (off and on, when I'd remember to do it) for years. It's like 25 minutes or so of short little clips of "love", "loving", "lover" anything that contained "love"... so like a massive sampling of the radio from the late 80's through the mid-90's. (Wish i knew where it was... somewhere buried in a box in storage. :( If I find it someday I'll get it from tape to computer :)) That's actually what I was thinking of when I made this... I woke up from a dream like "Oh! I should make one with just Michael and call it a love tune-up, yeah!". :heart: So anyway, sorry if someone feels 'copied'. It's just coincidence (or synchronicity :)) I doubt any of us are the first ones to think of something like this. I don't even know where I got the idea as a kid. Probably heard something like it on the radio, you know.
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:cheeky: :heart: If I counted correctly, there are 65 separate Michael "love" moments ... from TII, Exeter, Oxford, award shows, Suzuki ad and lots and lots and lots of songs ... all in just two love-charging, chakra-clearing minutes :lol: Anyway, just lovely Michael saying and singing "love" over and over ... how could one ever get tired of that? Enjoy :wub: :angel:

Aww, I LOVED it! :heart: :)
Glad you like it :heart:

Umm, lol, I actually don't know those, though! Just looked for and found the "My Life" video... soooo crazy, same kind of thing around the same time! (Great job, btw) :punk: MJ-inspired minds think alike? :lol: What's "Upside"? (P.S. now I see Upside is a person here, so sorry! Thought that was the name of another video I don't know, lol :flowers:)

This is where my idea came from: I have a casette tape on which I recorded the word "love" from random songs of all genres on the radio when I was kid. This went on (off and on, when I'd remember to do it) for years. It's like 25 minutes or so of short little clips of "love", "loving", "lover" anything that contained "love"... so like a massive sampling of the radio from the late 80's through the mid-90's. (Wish i knew where it was... somewhere buried in a box in storage. :( If I find it someday I'll get it from tape to computer :)) That's actually what I was thinking of when I made this... I woke up from a dream like "Oh! I should make one with just Michael and call it a love tune-up, yeah!". :heart: So anyway, sorry if someone feels 'copied'. It's just coincidence (or synchronicity :)) I doubt any of us are the first ones to think of something like this. I don't even know where I got the idea as a kid. Probably heard something like it on the radio, you know.

Oh I see! I understand! I like the video really. ;)

No MJ audio word/snippet/montage video is complete without a crazy chair dance though (see mine and Pentum's video and you'll know what I mean).

Cool video!
Oh I see! I understand! I like the video really. ;)

No MJ audio word/snippet/montage video is complete without a crazy chair dance though (see mine and Pentum's video and you'll know what I mean).
:hysterical: Yes, this is true, I admit :bow: :lol: (Thanks, too :flowers: Maybe others will do this now, like MJ singing... hmm, what word could be next? Baby? That would take hours as well, lol)

And check this out... my hubby said a while ago, "I know exactly where your box of tapes is" :wild:, so I sent him down to the storage cellar to get it :lol: And I found like 5 Thriller tapes and then my old "LOVE" tape! Unfortunately, the only cassette player I have nowadays is this junky little handheld one, lol. :rolleyes2: I can't find a cable to get it directly from there to the computer, but at least I know I can someday :)
This is such a wonderful, beautiful idea. Love, love, love it. If I figure out how to make videos (that are more than just a song with pictures) I have something in mind. ;)
MJ Bunny, Thank you very much. I LOVE it, I LOVE it so much. Its Monday morning, and before reading my emails for today i came here and found this, totally made my day! What a wonderful day it is, thank you.

...the end..was :cry:
WOW I thought about doing this a while ago but didn't have the courage to.

This is wonderful, you're right, can't be tired of listening to that!

Was Love from ''Greatest show on earth'' song there?
WOW I thought about doing this a while ago but didn't have the courage to.

This is wonderful, you're right, can't be tired of listening to that!

Was Love from ''Greatest show on earth'' song there?
Didn't have the courage :lol: Or just the time? hehe. No, that song isn't on there. It's not every song, of course, and initially I wanted it to be 30 seconds, but then as it came to 2 minutes, I thought "2 minute love tune-up", that sounds good and left it there. Maybe someday I'll add another minute :lol:
awwww this is so beautiful :wub:

Thank you for making it, L.O.V.E!
I love love love this! His message was love... love is the answer!