The "Michael Jackson Official European Convention"

Agent M

Proud Member
Jul 17, 2009
M.I.B. Headquarters
The First Official European Convention dedicated to Michael Jackson took place Sunday February 14, 2010. Legend Music Awards and MJPortal are proud to have been the organizers of this important event which was given an incredible visibility through the media coverage which included not only national but international journalists. Included on the guest list and present at the Convenition were RAI, ANSA, Mediaset and international newspapers. Invited guests who presided at the Convention and gave their special insights into Michael Jackson's life were Brian Oxman, Kathryn Milfsky, Rabbi Smuley Boteach and Sony Pictures Italia.




Despite the fact that the announced presence of Rabbi Boteach, author of “The Michael Jackson Tapes”, caused a torrent of protest these past weeks from Jackson fans around the world, the Rabbi spoke of Michael with great affection pointing out to all of us many important facets concerning Michael's relationships with children and the negative people that the popstar surrounded himself with in the last ten years who almost always used Michael as a source of personal gain.

Perhaps even Rabbi Boteach is one of those “users” but the audio files of his discussions with Michael presented at the Convention as an exclusive only for us and the question and answer period following gave us all a deep insight into certain aspects of Michael's personality usually ignored by the general press.

The arrival of Brian Oxman, presently Joe Jackson, La Toya and Marlon Jackson's lawyer, was perhaps the most waited for encounter of the whole day. Presented by the American journalist and television personality Kathryn Milofsky, Oxman was able to give us his special evaluation of his ongoing working rapport with the King of Pop. Oxman was Michael's personal lawyer during the last 25 years.

During the course of a two hour visula presentation which dwelled upon many aspects of the private and personal life of Michael we were able to innocently smile while watching several different episods in the life of MJ. Brian made an exclusive announcement concerning the intention on the part of Michael's family to ask for a tougher treatment for Dr. Conrad Murray, guilty, according to Oxman, of second-degree murder. The news was immediately picked up by the worlwide press agencies.
Oxman said, “If you take a gun and shoot it at a moving train it's obvious that you'll have a high probablity of killing someone.” If so, even if you try justifying yourself and your action you still would be guilty of homicide. It is therefore necessary to ask that the incrimination of Murray, since then nicknamed “Michale Jackson's killer”, be considered a heavier penalty.

Oxman then emphasized, using blatant examples, how Michael was always a victim of flase press statements and stories. One of the most lampant examples that he brought to our attention was the E T (Entertainment Tonight) photomontage of Michael being transported into the ambulance as it was compared to the original photo of Michael sleeping on the stage. Obviuosly a fake! A photo touch up thanks to Photoshop. His was jsut the tip of the iceberg of a brilliant life onstage, but touched by an enormous spiritual suffering caused by the unprofessional behavior of the media and the tabloids.

After Brian was greeted with a standing ovation from the more than 200 persons present in the hall it was Sony Pictures Entertainment's turn to illustrate important projects that will be leading up to the forthcoming release of the DVD/Blueray of "This Is It" in music and video shops around the world. Sony confirmed the presence of Travis Payne at San Remo Music festival during the final evening gala to be broadcast live by Italian TV, RAI. (Actually Travis himself gave us the news by phone a few days earlier but it was literally impossible to be able to make a jump start and publish the news due to restrictions caused by the Convention).

Other important moments that interspersed the Convention day and the above mentioned appearances were the video message by Laura Pausini, awarded the "Legend Music Award" ( for her battling of important social causes, the presentation of heretofore unreleased films of Michael's last days before his tragic death and the reading of the personal message sent to LMA/MJPORTAL by Travis Payne.

Travis Payne was forced to cancel his announced video conference with the MJEC for personal reasons, but yesterday morning in a personal phone conversation with MJPORTAL, he promised a special interview and will soon be a headliner in the MJPORTAL site news.
This sounds awesome. How can we organize one in the states?
This was probably very special for many people attending, but Oxman and the Rabbi leading the way? Lot's of things I could say about that but will keep my mouth shut on this one since it wouldn't be very positive.

Is Oxman really Marlon's attorney? That really surprises me. And I thought Oxman basically works for Joe now, pretty much out of the picture as Michael's personal attorney since the last trial.
Thanks for sharing.

Sounds intressting.
Hmmm I thought this thing was scheduled for June next year in LA.. they must be doing it again then at that time. Interesting they talked about the photo.
Oxman and Schmuley, I wish I could throw up right in their faces. Disgusting people, my appetite is ruined since I saw their faces.
This is what I was talking about -

MBWF's 1st annual Convention!!!

In honor of Michael Jackson. It's all for LOVE.
Host: Make a Better World Foundation... "It's all for love. L.O.V.E."
Type: Other - Ceremony
Network: Global
Start Time: Thursday, June 24, 2010 at 9:30am
End Time: Monday, June 28, 2010 at 12:30pm
Location: Sheraton Universal Hotel
Street: 333 Universal Hollywood Drive
City/Town: Universal City, CA

View Map


You are cordially invited to attend Make A Better World Foundation's First Annual Convention and fundraiser!!!!

The convention will include:

Thurs June 24th
Banquet with special speakers including
Geraldine Hughes who will also be singing for us!!
Larry Nimmer w/unseen clips from his video!
Catherine Coy from MJTruthnow
Brain Oxman
Shawn Henning
speakers from charities that MJ supported
leaders of other MJ groups
and many more plus performances!!

Fri June 25th
moment of silence the hour MJ died
prayer session
visiting and cleaning his star
tour buses taking us to forest lawn for candle light vigil
we will be meeting up with other mj groups there
tour buses to Carolwood and Encino home where we can lay flowers

Sat June 26th
nature walk and unveiling of our plaque in honor of mj on a trail in a forest we are adopting in his honor
additional tours

Sun June 27th
Hiphop dance show
dance party (no alcohol)
dance battles

Lots more will be going on during the 5 days such as:
dance lessons to learn MJ moves
look alike contests
poetry readings
video tributes
Mj fan art gallery
a toy drive and delivery of toys to Children's Hospital
special rate tickets to universal studios
the wax museum
fun stuff for kids too!
and a showing of This Is It every night at midnight!

We will mourn Mj together, celebrate him together, and honor him together. All funds raised will go to charity in honor of Michael Jackson.

A pass for the entire 5 days and access to all MBWF events is $400. However, we will need a deposit of $250 to hold your place at the banquet and your seat on the tour buses as we have to pre-pay for these and we know how many buses and how many plates for the banquet.

Deposits must be received by FEB 20th!!!!!

You can make your deposit using our paypal button on our website on the donations page.

You will get a confirmation email when I receive your deposit which you can print out and bring with you.

The deposit will guarantee your dinner at the banquet, seats on all tours, access to all shows and events and tickets to Univertal studios park. If we do not receive your deposit we can not guarantee anything, at that point it will be if there is room as we have to give a head count to the hotel and the bus companies.

The $400 includes the banquet and dinner, a continental breakfast, tickets for the tour buses that will take us to Forest Lawn and back as well as the Encino home and the Carolwood home where we will place flowers, all shows and events at hotel for the entire 5 days, tickets for the Universal Studios park and the portion of a forest we adopted in Michael's honor and the unveiling of a plaque we will be placing there in honor of Michael Jackson, and a complimentary MBWF Tshirt. We will also be planning fun stuff for kids as Michael would have felt that most important. And kids under 12 are free for all events at hotel!

We have worked really hard to get you discounted rates for everything MJ fans will want and need while visiting and attending the convention including hotel rooms at 50% off at the Sheraton Universal Hotel and tour buses at discounted rates.

Please make your hotel reservations today. If you call you will have to say you are coming for the MBWF convention to get the half price special rate on the rooms. Below is a special link the hotel created for our event to use for your convenience.

Sheraton Universal Hotel
333 Universal Hollywood Drive
Universal City, Ca 91608
direct: (818) 509-2771 fax: (818) 509-0605
or use the link below...

1st Annual Make A Better World Foundation Conference (OR copy and paste the following link into a web browser)

This will provide access to inexpensive shuttle transportation for your guests to and from the airport. Please let me know if you have any questions.

We can also get a discounted rate with American Airlines if you will be using that airline. I will be posting that link for your convenience soon.

Special speakers and performers get special rates. And if you are not staying for the entire event we can provide pro-rated prices per day.

If you'd like to be a vendor and rent a table, please contact
Pepper Simone or April Smith

All funds raised will go to charity. It goes into Make a Better World Foundation's account and then the board decides where best it can be used. Right now that is mostly Haiti.

If you'd like to read a poem or show a tribute video, display a piece of art, speak, or perform, please contact Pepper Simone or April Smith.

There are people coming from all over the world so make your reservations now!!!

I will be so honored to unite with all of you in person to remember Michael Jackson and making his dream come true as people come together from all ages, countries, cultures, religions, social status, and colors to Make a better world. It's all for LOVE!!

The energy and bond we all have is so powerful. It's love. It's Michael.
Just a wish list of speakers during the convention:

1. Tom Messerrau
2. John Mclain
3. John Branca
4. Frank di Leo
5. any nephew but esp the son of Rebbie, is it Anton Brown?
6. Evvie Tavasce
7. any of those who co-produced his records

Again, just a wish list....thanks.
what is the aim of all this? just to meet with this ppl or ...
Brian Oxman and Rabbi Smuley Boteach? Hmmmmmmmmmm


He was probably easy to get. He likes to speak a lot about Michael...

No way :no:

However, I must admit it is a bit hard for me to understand a conference focused on Michael's private life. Why so? What about MJ's privacy? There is simply so much to know and to talk about him, his work, music, creations, etc. That was so good about it? Knowing more details about his private life? More than what he wanted us to know and what he actually gave us? I just don't get it :no:

And then Sony about and their deals...


Oxman, Boteach. Um, no thanks. Hope everyone that went enjoyed themselves though.
Yes, I agree.
No good for me, but cool if they enjoyed it.