The Michael Jackson Musical: 'MJ'

Well not directly but what are you moaning about? It's been extended, twice.

Did they do that as a favor to the Estate or something? Surely that's all you need to know for how well it's doing?
I'm moaning at you, putting words in my mouth.

I never labelled it a flop. I want it to do well and last many years on stage.
Went a few weeks ago - loved it . Much better than I had ever anticipated! May consider going again. It was not Myles Frost - it was his understudy Michael but he was exceptional too ! I wore normal smart casual attire - but did buy an overpriced t shirt! 😄

Occasionally the audience would heeee heee and aooow shamone which although is funny can get annoying!

Have fun those who are planning to go - I am mighty pleased about its success! Keeps our main man and his music alive! 💗