The Michael jackson Brand, was it accident or design?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
South East London
I do not beleive Michael Jackson sat down and thought that he was making a brand for himself. I think things happened by accident. What do you think and why?:p
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Actually, I think it was intentional. The name Michael Jackson alone back in the 80's sold millions of whatever it was just because of the name. I think Michael knew this.
hmmmm, you never know....

In terms of the hat, the glove, the highwaters, the sunglasses...... I think some of them Michael did intentionally, cause I remember him saying that his brothers hated when he wore high-waterpants, and would tell their parents to make him stop (lol) but he didn't want to! I think Michael doesn't want to look like everyone else, so he does little things to make himself stand out, or just little things he thinks are cute- and when they start to catch on, he knows.

The sunglasses just came from his shyness, and in the early to mid eighties- they were his 'thing' (Actually, i was just at the store and a lady was trying on sunglasses that looked like the ones from the '84 Grammys, and she said "i look like Michael Jackson!"- andof course I turned around SO quick!)

And yeah, like Dutchie said- in early to mid eighties he coulda sold anything! I'm sure he knew it most of the time.
His unstoppable talents along with many of the characteristic physical artefacts such as attire and accessories which Mjs PYT above outlined have gone on to almost unintentioanlly create a brand name and personality. I think it just happened. Most huge personalities like even the beatles, elvis to political figures like Che Guvera go onto be brand names.
I do not beleive Michael Jackson sat down and thought that he was making a brand for himself. I think things happened by accident. What do you think and why?:p

Haha, you are kidding right? Neverland, the mouth piece, the chimp, the hyperbaric chamber, rumors about buying the elephant man's bones, the hat, the glove, the socks, the tape on his fingers all masterminded by MJ in order to become the biggest brand there ever was. He wanted to become the biggest and that's what he became. Although I do not think he foresaw that some of these things would come back to haunt him.
Haha, you are kidding right? Neverland, the mouth piece, the chimp, the hyperbaric chamber, rumors about buying the elephant man's bones, the hat, the glove, the socks, the tape on his fingers all masterminded by MJ in order to become the biggest brand there ever was. He wanted to become the biggest and that's what he became. Although I do not think he foresaw that some of these things would come back to haunt him.
It is very easy to think that MJ branded himself in a calculating way, but whenm you look back on MJ's 40 year history in the music business you will notoce that things did develop because he was a big star. When the Jackson 5 camre out, they came out with a splash. Immediately they were international icons. Everybody wanted to be like them or the be with them. The Afro hairstyle was copied and became a 70's fashion. I don't think MJ or the brothers knewthat they whole world were going to copy their hairstyle.
When Michael did the robot, the whole world were doing it too. I don't think he thought that the world will follow him.
I think when MJ put on the gloves, he probably thought it was a cool thing to do at the time, wanting to be different or to find something that the world wouldn't copy. I don't thoink he though he was branding himself.
I think MJ saying to a few friends that he woiuld like the elephant bones is no different from any friend saying to another that they would like something in a shop., I will never understand why anyone would want to even m,ake a big deal out of it. So what if he wanted some bones, he is interested in medicine.
Hyperbaric chamber, what is so extra-odinary about that.Why the fuss, why even talk about it. what is the crime in wanting to sleep in a chamber, if that is what you want to sleep on.
My point is that I do not think MJ set out to create a brand when he did certain thinks. For instance, the umbrella is becoming fashionable with pop-stars now, even covering up the children in public is now being branded as the MJ thing.
It is likem, no matter who did it first, the moment MJ does it, it becomes branded as his thing. Almost like he cannot get away from being branded.
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I think the MJ brand was developed over time, IMO at first Michael just did little things that HE enjoyed and wore things he liked.

He probably soon noticed how every move he made influenced everyone around and he started to view it as a trade mark...he became a money making machine very early on, but he wasn't in full control of his career, his dad was; when he took his career on his own hands he was already aware of the power he had and used it through endoresments emphasizing the brand.
I think the MJ brand was developed over time, IMO at first Michael just did little things that HE enjoyed and wore things he liked.

He probably soon noticed how every move he made influenced everyone around and he started to view it as a trade mark...he became a money making machine very early on, but he wasn't in full control of his career, his dad was; when he took his career on his own hands he was already aware of the power he had and used it through endoresments emphasizing the brand.
for me thats the perfect answer :yes:
No, you have to be kidding me right! The elphant man's bones and the hyperbaric chamber were really minial tabloid stories those which began from very innocent and even mischievous/curious actions by Michael.

As for some of his fashion choices and things to that effect ofcourse could have been calculated...Michael very early on would have noticed the effect or trends he was able to start through his unique he continued with them to create a a brand like image, agreed.
I think the MJ brand was developed over time, IMO at first Michael just did little things that HE enjoyed and wore things he liked.

He probably soon noticed how every move he made influenced everyone around and he started to view it as a trade mark...he became a money making machine very early on, but he wasn't in full control of his career, his dad was; when he took his career on his own hands he was already aware of the power he had and used it through endoresments emphasizing the brand.

Well said! I gave you rep for this one! :punk:
I remember in media class a few years ago hearing that & I never really understood it. We were told that the name "Michael Jackson" is the only name that has become a brand name.

I still don't get what that means?
I think some of it was by accident, things caught on that Michael did and grew from there. I dont think anyone could have predicted how huge Michael would become or the success he would achieve.

Although I agree to an extent with other posters. It was Michaels vision and dreams, he knew what he wanted to achieve, he had goals in mind and he got them. No argument there.
I remember in media class a few years ago hearing that & I never really understood it. We were told that the name "Michael Jackson" is the only name that has become a brand name.

I still don't get what that means?

you don't get it still, is that what u mean?

Michael Jacksons name is a brand all by itself. Put his name on things and it sells.
a large part of it was designed by Michael.. Infact MOST of the things WE LOVE about him was designed by Michael..

The media USED that against him..

From the glove, armband, white tape on fingers, the hat, the mysterious being, the.... Just ALL THAT.. was a huge creation..

U know back when entertainment was entertainment, many musicians goals were to create an image..

U think Ozzy Osborne really thought he was 'the Prince of Darkness'.. ??

Look at KISS, the face paint, the outfits, the tounges, the story surrounding them.. ALL DESIGNED to draw interest.
^ When they did an album without the face pain no one bought into it^

ThEN the entertainment industry took a terrible turn..

Instead of branding an artist.. It became branding a group of artists..

They come up with a brand and duplicate it untill it runs its course..

Back Street Boys started the 'boyband revival'.. Then came Nsync, 98 degrees, Otown, and so on..

That goes with almost everyone today.. From Britney Spears to Ricky Martin..

They find something that works, and re-create it the as many times possible.
a large part of it was designed by Michael.. Infact MOST of the things WE LOVE about him was designed by Michael..

The media USED that against him..

From the glove, armband, white tape on fingers, the hat, the mysterious being, the.... Just ALL THAT.. was a huge creation..

U know back when entertainment was entertainment, many musicians goals were to create an image..

U think Ozzy Osborne really thought he was 'the Prince of Darkness'.. ??

Look at KISS, the face paint, the outfits, the tounges, the story surrounding them.. ALL DESIGNED to draw interest.
^ When they did an album without the face pain no one bought into it^

ThEN the entertainment industry took a terrible turn..

Instead of branding an artist.. It became branding a group of artists..

They come up with a brand and duplicate it untill it runs its course..

Back Street Boys started the 'boyband revival'.. Then came Nsync, 98 degrees, Otown, and so on..

That goes with almost everyone today.. From Britney Spears to Ricky Martin..

They find something that works, and re-create it the as many times possible.
I can agree with this.:D