The memorial showed Michael was truly loved


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Leeds, UK
That's something we're not used to seeing....

We know his family, friends and fans do/did....but that memorial made me feel that the world actually did 'get' him!

God bless ya Mike!
Yes it was a beautiful tribute, I'm glad they didn't go over the top with it. You could tell his family was really hurting.. my prayers go out to them and hope they can deal with this terrible loss. As hard as it is for us fans it must be 10x worse for them.
Nothing but positive vibes at the memorial. I loved how MJ was honored.
No single person will or can say anything negative about him anymore!
This showed the truth, this showed there's justice, this showed believe.
I will believe, I will never ever ever ever ever gonna forget this.
It was a very tasteful, very moving, heartbreaking to see.
And my hope is that if there is something good to come of this, maybe it is that people maybe "get" him now. Maybe people will start to listen to what he had to say, what people who realy knew him has to say.
I really, really hope that.
No single person will or can say anything negative about him anymore!
This showed the truth, this showed there's justice, this showed believe.
I will believe, I will never ever ever ever ever gonna forget this.

There will still be haters so please don't get your hopes up.
But the memorial will make a huge difference. A lot of POWERFUL people spoke tonight and for once - FINALLY, they will be heard by the entire world. So many times, the media "censor" any beautiful statements made by family, friends and fans. But tonight, people HAD to listen to these words about Michael the person. Thanks to this memorial, right now. many people are now understanding a Michael they never heard about from the media.
So I'm glad this memorial got the message across...and in such a dignified, powerful and perfect way.
I was watching the sky news and the newspapers have put some horrid comments.- The man talking who i don't think was a MJ fan said that he was disgusted by the comments, the newspapers no that the family are grieving and it has been watched by millions of people who were grieving too. he also said the person who wrote was practically (in my words) stupid
who else saw this?
No single person will or can say anything negative about him anymore!
This showed the truth, this showed there's justice, this showed believe.
I will believe, I will never ever ever ever ever gonna forget this.

My sentiments exactly. Michael would be so proud :)
A very touching and beautiful memorial for Michael...I'm sure he was there in spirit watching and listening to it all. My thoughts and prayers go out to the entire Jackson family...I hope that others will give them some space so that they may heal their hearts from the terrible loss of their beloved Michael Jackson. God Bless them.

I came across this article about Michael. I think she explains very well what he meant to all those who loved him.

Many of us babyboomers can tell you without hesitation where we were upon hearing the news of the assassinations of JFK, RFK, MLK, the death of Princess Diana, or the shooting of John Lennon. As of June 25th, 2009, our generation and younger generations will forever remember their whereabouts upon hearing the news of Michael Jackson's untimely passing.

Michael Jackson provided the soundtrack for most of my life. Who didn't love the Jackson Five, with their upbeat songs and fun, fun, fun choreography? Even for those of us who were swept away by the British Invasion, there's always a place in our hearts for his genius.

Every media outlet has played footage of countless hours of people around the world who are mourning the death of Michael Jackson. Makeshift altars seem to grow organically on sidewalks in every city. What is it about the passing of beloved icons that compels us to come together as a human race?

Grieving and mourning are not easy feelings to carry. They are, however, universal feelings, that are inherent to the human condition. The beautiful outcome of global outpourings of grief, is that they strip the usual barriers of race, class, age, and religion. They bring us together as living, feeling beings with universal emotions.

We feel compelled to honor our beloved icons, friends, and families with memorials. Photos, flowers, memorabilia are all familiar objects on the altars formed around the world. They are personal, they celebrate that person, they remind us of the essence of everything represented by that person.

A beautiful, heartfelt memorial is healing. It's not a mass-produced object that has no reference to the person being honored. It wouldn't make sense to add a generic container, a random photo, or a meaningless object to the altar offerings. The same is true when we honor our families and friends who may not have known this kind of fame. We want to honor them for who they were, for their unique spirits and personalities.

We baby boomers are said to be revolutionizing the way we approach the end of life. We carefully celebrate the personality, quirks, physicality, and essence of our deceased. And doesn't it make sense? We now have so many wonderful options available to us. The mass-produced memorial object may serve in functionality, but does it really honor the person? A homemade pie tastes so much better than the store bought version. Besides the fact that it probably has more natural ingredients, it's made with love, by a human.

I'm thankful to be part of this generation. To thoughtfully consider the uniqueness of a loved one includes carefully choosing the way in which we remember that person. So, here's to you, Michael Jackson. Thank you for all that you were to us.

Adrienne Crowther

Article Source:
I am very happy with the memorial, They say God doesn't put more on you than you can bare. and I believe it because I wouldn't have done very well I would have been crying my eyes out and they probably would have had to escort me out the building. I couldn't stop crying at home so I know I would have been fried if I went there.
i feel somewhat refreshed by watching it , i shed a load of tears and quietly cried.
Im praying for Michael every night
the funny thing is for some reason since his death there has been a calm feeling around you know, everyone was celebrating him and rejoicing Micheal and it really felt at peace. there was a peaceful aura here in the city of Detroit. I don't know if you guys experience anything like that, but we did here. I guess since everyone was celebrating him they had no time to fight and argue and it's still peaceful now. He really did change the world even if it's only for a time, Micheal's dream of change came true here in Detroit, But that's just my opinion
This was such a meaningful poem, I love it.

Maya Angelou

Beloveds, now we know that we know nothing, now that our bright and shining star can slip away from our fingertips like a puff of summer wind.

Without notice, our dear love can escape our doting embrace. Sing our songs among the stars and walk our dances across the face of the moon.

In the instant that Michael is gone, we know nothing. No clocks can tell time. No oceans can rush our tides with the abrupt absence of our treasure.

Though we are many, each of us is achingly alone, piercingly alone.

Only when we confess our confusion can we remember that he was a gift to us and we did have him.

He cam to us from the creator, trailing creativity in abundance.

Despite the anguish, his life was sheathed in mother love, family love, and survived and did more than that.

He thrived with passion and compassion, humor and style. We had him whether we know who he was or did not know, he was ours and we were his.

We had him, beautiful, delighting our eyes.

His hat, aslant over his brow, and took a pose on his toes for all of us.

And we laughed and stomped our feet for him.

We were enchanted with his passion because he held nothing. He gave us all he had been given.

Today in Tokyo, beneath the Eiffel Tower, in Ghana’s Black Star Square.

In Johannesburg and Pittsburgh, in Birmingham, Alabama, and Birmingham, England.

We are missing Michael.

But we do know we had him, and we are the world.
just watching this even just on TV
it's a quite unforgettable experience
On the CBS coverage Babyface was one of the commentators with Katie Couric. He talked about meeting Michael in the early 70s, and also riding with Mike after Thriller blew up and fans banging on the car. Babyface said he was a little scared.
It was beautiful to see how much the whole world loves Michael. I just wish Michael could have seen it ... I wish that people could have showed him how much they loved him when he was still here ...
It was a very tasteful, very moving, heartbreaking to see.
And my hope is that if there is something good to come of this, maybe it is that people maybe "get" him now. Maybe people will start to listen to what he had to say, what people who realy knew him has to say.
I really, really hope that.

Yes, but it's too late. All the time during the memorial my thoughts were these:

it's too late... :cry:

But let's hope that it was great for him to feel the unconditional love of his family, his friends, his fans!!!

I wouldn't think there is any other star that have so many loving and devoted fans around the whole world like Michael.
Did no one think it was out of order Joe not taking his hat off? disrespectful or what!

And also, maybe im being a bit snobberish but, Prince chewing gum all through the service... hmm
The memorial was perfect. It was so beautiful I don't think it could have been done any better.
After every speech I thought that I had cried enough already but always when the next speech started I just broke down again.. and the performances were so touching, too.
I loved it. It was excactly what Michael deserved.