The Meaning of HIStory


Proud Member
Aug 20, 2011
Hi all,

I watched part of a fan made youtube documentary about a month ago about the meanings of the songs and lyrics in the History album. I wanted to come back to it but can't find it aynwhere - i can't remember how I came across it.

It went into detail about some of the songs and the meaning of what it may mean - I found Money fantastic where he says many names of people in charge of the finance of the world which i had never heard before.

Also went into the HIStory teaser where it's similar to Hitlers propoganda film but MJ turned it into a peaceful event and the ending of Earth Song where the girls comes on the stage is also taken from a war cartoon - but MJ changes it so the soldier backs down from war.

Has anyone else seen it and know where I could watch it again!?

I think the documentary is called "As jacked as it sounds the whole system sucks".
Yeah i remember watching it on tube, great watch! I cant remember the name of the documentary tho.
I found this one. I've not watched the documentary as of yet though,so I can't form my own view of it.

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Fantastic - that's the one - I'll have to watch it properly now and I'm sure it will bring a brand new view point to the History album and I'll learn a bit of History along the way too!

Thank you very much for looking into it for me.
You're Welcome. The whole documentary is in related videos on youtube.

Actually this video is the 1st part of the lyric and video analysis

Probably I wasn't a good listener or the fact English is not my 1st language but it was overwhelmig to realize how much racism Michael exposes in his lyrics and videos, some of them I got them before watching these videos. I didn't know the semantic charge/racist meaning the word boy really has which is in this video I'm posting and it also solves the enigma why some journalist rleated Michael with Hitler or nazism.