The Magic Touch

I Think I Wanna Rock

Proud Member
Oct 8, 2012
Well i call it the Magic Touch anyway. What it is is when i am in the Car and we have the radio on a certain station i will quickly change the station. Guess who will be on the new station, Yep MJ. i have done this so many times i have lost count and it is now legendary in my house. I Know you will say that Michael's music plays on lots of stations but believe me when i say this happens more often than not. I will do it and then look at whoevers driving (Mum/Dad/Brother) and they will say you did it again and smile lol.

Another thing. Almost every time i go to sleep if will have my MP3 player on listening To Michael or Janet. Now my Mp3 player has pretty much every MJ song on it including J5 songs aswell as all Janets songs. Now i usually just have it on shuffle and let the music play itself however very often a song will pop into my head and i just have to hear it. I always let the current song playing end just to see what was gonna come on next out of the hundreds and hundreds of songs on it. I swear so many times that the next song has been THAT song i wanted to listen to. It happened with Will You Be There a few weeks ago. I always look at my MJ calender beside me and say Thankyou.

One last thing. (i sound like Colombo here lol). My Room is covered in MJ Wallpapers and pictures, aswell as a poster of Janet i had done on Moviemarket. Well the poster had been up for a couple of weeks (via bluetack) and had not fallen down at all. I was laying in bed one night thinking about it and how it had yet to fall down and within 1 minute the whole thing just came off the wall. Scary i now.

Anybody else have similar Experiances? Anybody else got the Magic Touch lol? im sure many of you do please share them.
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Hehe, that was a funny post.

I can't say that I have a magic touch, but there are some things that make one wonder sometimes. Like on August the 29th (Michael's Birthday) - I was so busy during the days prior to that, that I simply forgot what date I was in, meaning that I forgot about Michael's birthday as well. But...finding myself in a crowded bus on the way to somewhere, I looked out the window and, all of a sudden (in a city with so so many people), I saw 2 girls wearing some old T-shirts with Michael's picture. And then i got it :wild:
Thanks for that link Mist. There is a lot of pages to read there. Looked at those 2 videos on page 1 and really not sure about what to think. I Mean i have never believed in those sort of things before but the way she was talking seemed so genuine and sounded so Michael like.
Erandi i loved that story. Still cant believe you forgot Michaels birthday though :)
There are so much written in the physics channels thread but there are stories like this I want to share

8701girl;2827642 said:

This morning when i was watching mj the volume went up BY ITSELF!!!! i was not touching it all!!

Could it be mj...?????
mjbunny;2827690 said:
Wow, girl, so you've got the mouse and now the volume wigging out? Since you were watching him at the time, I guess we can't rule him out, right? ;) :heart: Back a couple of months ago hubby and I were watching Ghosts. It was cold and windy out, so the doors and windows were closed (i.e. no draft). The door from the living room to the hallway was closed. This door is either closed or it's not. There's no in-between. Hard as you try, you just can't get it stuck at some halfway shut point. It's open or it's closed, period. And if it's closed, there is NO WAY to open it unless you push down on the handle. I know because I spent an hour the next day trying to recreate what I'm about to tell. I just couldn't do it. You'd have to break the frame to push the door open without using the handle. Anyway, we're watching Ghosts and it was the part when MJ was turning to dust and hubby, to lighten the mood, tried to make a weak joke about spontaneous human combustion. Umm, okkkkk. Then I had the perfect retort in my mind (No, that's spontaneous human comDUSTion, har har :giggle:) and just as I opened my mouth to say this... CLANK... the door suddenly flew open several inches (yes, with the clank sound) :bugeyed What the...??? We both looked over like, HUH???? But we just ignored the situation and watched the rest of Ghosts :lol: THEN we investigated. Him being a man and all, hubby's not amazed, like there must be some explanation. He saw me try to recreate it, so it's pretty obvious if there is a mundane explanation it's a really, really, really freakin' rare occurance. Well, anyway, I suspect that doors that don't normally 'fling and clank' at all would not fling and clank open several inches in a windless room without someone pushing on the handle, especially while two MJ fans are watching Ghosts and making jokes ;) Just what I suspect, a-hee-hee

Oh! By the way... I had that same mouse freak-out problem happen tonight on the Sunflowers for Michael page. It wasn't the page with the new delivery, but a post about something else on mj-777. Anyway, I scrolled down and it just kept scrolling down and everytime I'd try to scroll up as soon as I'd let go of the mouse it would go down again, lol. I'm assuming it was due to some funky code they've got in there. Or... well... maybe I should hang on their site and scroll around and see if it happens again :)

I found the page where I had commented and I've scrolled up and down and clicked around and up and down... nothing. WEIRD. This is the same wireless mouse I use everyday. It's never done that before ever. I will certainly note it if it does it again. (Michael??? lol)

I made a thread" strange things happens" but I can´t find it anymore.
One story I´ve written happened when I was shopping.
I was going to shop toilet paper and I wanted it made from recycled paper,thinking of the environment.
Then I thought among the recycled paper there are tabloids writing shit about Michael.
Now we can use them to wipe shit..
Then I heard Michael Beat it , Beat it........I had never heard the playing Michael Jackson in that shop before and I had been there many times
Haha Your story is too funny mist, i love it. mjbunny's one is pretty scary. Michael always loved a prank lol :)
That happens on my ipod all the time, but yesterday was the first time it happened 3 times in a row! Okay, so when I listen to certain songs, it is really hard not to dance. I was getting ready for work, and smooth criminal came on my shuffle, and I had to turn it off cause I starter dancing and I was going to be late. It made e want to listen to it, 2Bad, and They don't Care About Us because they are all songs that make me need to dance. I was running out the door at the last possible moment and didn't have time to look for them cause it would slow me down walking. I thew on the shuffle and the first three songs I got were 2Bad, They Don't Care About Us, followed by Smooth Criminal! :)

Yep, weird things happened in my house too about 2 years ago but NOW... it has gone more quiet as now and then stuff happens like a door closing or a poster 'ripped' from my wall... I used to have white mist, slamming doors and stuff crashing to the floor... It only made me fuss and laugh at the pranks... Though, it really scared my neighbour cause she lives under me... I live on the 2nd floor of the 'flat block'...

I don't listen to the radio any more cause he fiddles too much with it so... I only listening to MJ music 'blasting' out as he likes it loud :cheeky:
Happened again today! I accidently left my ipod on at work from walking there, and when I went on my break I had streetwalker in my head. As I put my headphones in again, it was on just at the beginning! Also, it is just by chance laying again now :)
Sometimes... Magical things do happen ;)
Like today... I needed new boots and I was gonna look for sport shoes as my feet hurt and then this 'voice' in me tells me to browse further in the store... I come HOME with BAD style boots from a place that I would normally NOT browse into... See, that's the Magical touch of Michael ;)