The Madoff fallout....


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
East New York ,Brooklyn N.Y,USA
I have a Question for you all.I do know that there are alot of people on here who are Accountants or in Business and being that we all heard about the The Bernie Madoff Wall Street Brokerage Scam and Most of The people that were being scamed ranged in Entertainment Industry and Charities and in The world of Business and Commerence. I'm worrried about something, I hope Michael wasn't mixed up with this guy.:bugeyedNobody knew this was coming and These people trusted Madoff with their investments and some lost alot of their money because of him. I just hope that Michael's investments are safe and Protected under someone else's Brokerage Umbrella. I do feel sorry for the people being Scamed like Steven Spielberg and The guy who write Forest Gump and The New Movie with Brad Pitt to name a few.
If anyone of you guys dealt with this person, I pray that you get your money back..In this day of fallout from Wall Street and The Economy,No one should be going through lost of jobs and living day to day wondering if they can find something to eat for themselves and their family tomorrow. We all must remember that The Common person didn't create this mess, The Greedy money hungry people did and They must be punished for making us suffer for their mistakes,Not to have the common person bail them out.:no:
What are your thoughts about this ?
Greedy people make me sick... as do thieves... I feel bad for everyone who lost their money.. but, more so for the people who lost their entire retirement funds. Can u imagine working hard and saving all those years for retirement and then realizing that you had lost everything?