The Lovely Bones' "Susie" > Little Susie


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Canada - ON
Just thought I'd mention it that there's a book (also a movie now) that is about a girl named Susie who gets raped and murdered. The book is quite fantastic (the film not so much) and it just makes me think of the song "Little Susie" by Michael.

i wonder if Alice Sebold (author) heard it.:scratch: *shrugs*
I saw the movie and I thought it was pretty good, not as bad as people are making it seem anyway. I plan on reading the book which I hear is better than the movie but the books generally are better.

Anyway, that's the first thing I thought of when I heard about this movie. Michael's song, "Little Susie." Ironic how their deaths both took place in the 70's, even though one was a murder.
The movie was AMAZING, and the book is even MORE amazing. IDK What people are talking about when they say the movie isn't that great. If you haven't read the book you will miss SOO much in the movie. Maybe that's the problem.