The Love for MJJC.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I just wanna say that I love you all in here and it really feels like on Mjjnewsonline before it close down - feels like we are a family in here. Everybody loves our Michael Jackson and it just feels great and amazing cuz we all love him.

I couldn't agree more. I really love it here. :wub:
It's great, it really is ... I only found this place after Michael died, I basically went through life as a fan of Michael but didn't really "interact" with other fans.

Unfortunately after he passed away, I had no one to speak to and I'm glad I found this place.
ooooh yeah. I absolutely positively love mjjc. And I love all of you guys too- can't imagine not having you guys here *huggies*
I love MJJC and I love all of you. I don't know what I'd do without this site. It's the first place I come to when I turned on my computer and the last before I turn it off.
I love it here. :hug: Everybody is so supportive and great!
I hope everyone appreciate this thread :) cuz we are a family , its a feeling , hard to explain but its feels great to be here :)

Is it just me or does Christmas and MJJC go hand in hand ? For me it does.
I just wanna say that I love you all in here and it really feels like on Mjjnewsonline before it close down - feels like we are a family in here. Everybody loves our Michael Jackson and it just feels great and amazing cuz we all love him.


Yep I agree. I don't know what I would have done without this forum. During the trial I was on MJNO all the time... now... it's MJJC. Thanks you guys :wub:
I love you all too :hug:
I dont know where I'd be without MJJC :love:
I would be lost and not know how to spend all my days, lol.

I love this place too, and what makes it different is the people. :heart: L.O.V.E.
Me too. I just love it here. MJJC is one of my favourite places in the whole world!
I couldn't agree more!! :) I really love coming on here :wub: Eveyone is like family!! :D
Awww this is such a wonderful thread :)

Yes we're all one big loving family and it feels so good to be here. Thanks to everyone who make MJJC a reality everyday. This is such a wonderful and comforting place to be.

Love you all *hugs all around* :)
I just wanna say that I love you all in here and it really feels like on Mjjnewsonline before it close down - feels like we are a family in here. Everybody loves our Michael Jackson and it just feels great and amazing cuz we all love him.


Yeah, I think we are one big family.
Before MJJC I was @ MJNO, luckily Paul, Shannon and more had arranged that we could register here.
I love MJJC, without it, I think I have a big problem. Not I'm a addict or something, but I get the strength, hope every day I visit MJJC.
I like to thank everyone who are making this site possible and I want to tell the members I love you all!
People who are registred after june 2009 are not an exception, we are all equal and I love you too!
It's great, it really is ... I only found this place after Michael died, I basically went through life as a fan of Michael but didn't really "interact" with other fans.

Unfortunately after he passed away, I had no one to speak to and I'm glad I found this place.

I'm the same way...I love being able to talk with all you fans around the world...Michael has united us...
I agree, it's a great place. I don't post much, but I read a lot here. I love coming here every day. I used to go to MJ message boards in the 90s, but I think I stopped around 2001 for some reason. But after Michael's passing it helps a lot to talk to people who feel the same way. So thank you all..