The Lost 2009 Album Would Have Been Amazing


Proud Member
Jul 27, 2011
I was just reading a few articles and watching a few videos from the 2005 - 2009 era when Michael was working on what would have been his new record and i remember at the time ( and still now!! ) being so hyped about a new record

The people that he was working with at the time kanye west it would have been amazing i am still dying to heard the hurricane Katrina song he was going to bring out the sessions from Vegas the stuff he did with will and am i correct in saying he was recording stuff while he was rehearsing for this is it in 2009?

there must be at least 2 albums worth of material from this era i had a look on Wikipedia and there where something like 20 known tracks that no one has heard from this era

as many of you might notice when Michael died i sort of fell out of the loop a bit i would go to all the London meet ups and go to the hotels when he was still with us i had tickets for 2 of the this is it shows too

but after 2009 i haven't attended any meet ups and i have moved i used to live in London but i have moved back in with my family to hopefully find new start here in Aylesbury

What i really want to no is what do you guys no about these recording sessions? has anything new leaked that wasnt on the "Michael" album?