The light of your smile


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
settling into Texas!
Where do I begin? Since you were torn from this world I’ve felt confused, lonely, inconsolable, in awe, in pain, in hope, and grateful.

Michael, you have given us so much. You shared your talent and you gave us everything you had. You put your heart into everything and taught us to smile, to believe, and to love. I believe you can now see how many lives you truly touched.

It hurts so much because you left us too soon. You left us without the final show, without proving the nay-sayers wrong. Before the final, wonderful, awesome comeback that we all hoped would finally stop the mumblings and criticisms. But we can be consoled in the fact that WE know the truth. We didn’t need anything proven to us, because we knew you. Those who matter – your family, your true friends, your fans – WE know the truth. We saw those beautiful, kind, silent things that you did to help others, to save lives, to inspire hope. We know as well as you do that what you did was good. We were witness to your humility, hope and that indescribable light that shone from your heart through your smile.

Oscar Wilde said that a work of art is as much in the soul of him who looks at it as it is in the soul of him who created it. Because of this, you are truly alive and forever will be in our hearts and in the hearts of all those who listen to your music, watch you dance and hear your message. Your influence on this world is too tremendous to ever lose effect.

Michael, we know that you suffered much more than your fair share of pain. It pierces my heart that someone as uniquely beautiful and kind as you was hurt so much and betrayed and used by so many. Sometimes I start to lose faith in human nature when I see how the world treated you. But again, you come to my rescue and restore my faith. Why? Because this never tainted you. You continued giving and loving. You didn’t let this affect how you treated others. You loved every person. You showed us that we are all people, regardless of appearance, race, background, talent, beliefs… You inspire us every day to be like you and to use our own talents to change the lives of those around us. If I can be even a tiny bit of what you are, then I believe I am a success.

So, “why did you have to go, and leave this world so cold?” But you didn't. You made this world a better place. You inspire us to do that every day. Everything that you created and shared with us will live on forever, and I believe you are smiling on us, warming this world as you did when you were physically here. True, this world is an emptier place without you. But you truly have changed the world. In the words of your brother Jermaine, “this world was never meant for someone as beautiful as you”. But we sure are glad you could be with us for a while.
Awweee you made me cry again. You are so right. I wish that the pain would get better for all of soon.