The last one to post is Michael's number 1 fan!

Yes. :bugeyed I think it's the creepiest movie I have ever watched. :bugeyed
Yes. :bugeyed Te simple idea of it, I think. Not what actually happens. I've seen people killing people before. :lol:
I'm curious. :girl_tantrum: I love the mystery of it more than the horror. :D
Very very shocked. :bugeyed It's just wrong. I draw the line at that. It's beyond creepy or scary, it's sick and anyone who has such ideas should keep them to themselves and definitely not make them into movies. :nooo:
Maybe even see a doctor. Anyone who has such ideas should definitely see a doctor. :rofl:
:bugeyed :blink: .... I really DON'T wanna see that movie! :blink:
No, I do not recommend it. :nooo: They did one thing wrong, but they did it very very wrong. :nooo: Without that, it would have been acceptable.
Ok, it's slightly more acceptable. :rofl: My brain just made a jump too quickly. :rofl: But only slightly. I mean, the fact that was even implied. :no: And that a child was allowed to play that part. :nooo: