The last one to post is Michael's number 1 fan!

*everyone else* Good morning.

*Spike* Bloody sun's up again. How is that a good morning? *sulks*
:hysterical: Oh dear Spike, I forgot that you hate the sun...I will try to find you the ring :rofl:
Yeah, good luck pet. That big bimbo destroyed it the moment he laid hands on in. I keep telling everyone he is not to be trusted with valuable objects, but does anyone listen to Spike? No, of course not. :sleep:
*whispers* Me too. :D

*Spike eyes us out incredulously* You two do know I can hear everything you say, right?
Aaahhh I can't find a gif of where he says "Why do you bitches torture me" :rofl:
What? Now you have pictures of me? Do you even know how di... wait... does my hair really look like that?!
Oh God. I sound like Angel.