The last few years?


I would be realy gratefull if any of you could let me know some of the things he has been doing over the last few years,not musicaly but just in his life.I know he lived in Ireland for a little while but apart from that nothing.
As Im new to the internet and in the UK they has been nothing on the news about him up till they announced the concerts I know little of what he was doing.
I feel it would just help me feel a little better if I knew he was having some goodtimes.I think he must have had some realy happy times with his family.which helps my pain a little. Thankyou
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Thankyou x
I wonder when will this pain ever ease.That was great to see but god my heart is shatterd.
Does anyone know about the years from this time on please.
Im so desperatly trying to help my heart
My heart needs to know that after all the rubbish from 2005 he did have happy times x
I'm taking comfort from the fact that post-trial, he really chose to spend time taking care of his kids and watching them grow, travelling with them etc. Its only now as they have gotten older that he started contemplating a return to performing.

Basically, he was being a dad all those years. They were years very well spent.
Thanks for posting the video!
My heart aches when I watch it. :(
He's really the best father in the world. I feel so sad for his children's loss.