The Labour Party have a box at The O2 so how many politicians will we see?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Glasgow, Scotland
As the subject says, the Labour Party have a box at The O2 Arena - Gordon Brown recently attended the Led Zepplin reunion as well as a Lionel Richie concert and Peter Mandelson went to see The Killers.

The question is, will we see any high ranking politicians at MJ's shows??

I'm expecting to see Gordon Brown attend a show at some point and probably a few other Cabinet ministers.
I don't know why but it seems so funny that Labour MPs would be going especially if they were singing along with all the lyrics hahaha.

That's hilarious. I can't imagine Gordon Brown having a little dance to MJ tunes, but I can picture David Cameron doing it :laugh:
They have a box all year round - it was one of the conditions of AEG getting the deal to redevlop the dome, apparently.

Would be funny to see Hazel Blears or Jackie Smith, for example, up dancing to WBBS or Heal the World :p
ahaha funniest thing ever.

so do tax payers pay for this?

how i hate the labour party.

but would be funny to see them there.

i no hes not part of the labour party but would be amazing if boris johnson was there.

that would be an amazing site to see.

This thread has got me thinking, how do you find out who owns boxes? As i assume they would belong to them throughout the whole 50 shows?? i have tried to google but found nothing.
best opening act would be putting them in the stocks and everyone getting free shots at them. wonder how much they will claim back on expenses.