The Jerk!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Part 1

This is something I've never done before, so tell me how you like it... :) this is from a male's point of view

My girlfriend, Kelly and I were separated while she went on vacation with her family to New York City. We live in Brooklyn.

While she was gone, I met a mousy brunette named Carol, and we hooked up a few times. Carol is pretty, though, but she is plain as hell. She was 5'2, slightly chubby, with frizzy dirt brown hair and chocolate brown eyes It was fun hooking up with her though, as it was something to preoccupy my time while Kelly was away.

I told Carol we had a real chance of being boyfriend and girlfriend, and she squealed with excitement. She happily hugged me and gave me a long kiss on the mouth. I reciprocated. I was just using her while Kelly was gone. I needed a woman to "have fun" with, while Kelly was gone.

Carol and I only had dates at home. Either her home or my home. I wasn't an idiot. I didn't want to take my "backup" date public where someone would see us and tell Kelly, and Kelly would dump me on the spot.

Carol and I had a few more home dates. Carol said, "I'd love to go out on a date in public with you. I don't wan't to keep doing only home dates."

I would be dumped as soon as Kelly came back if that ever happened! Alarm bells rang in my head.

"Carol, I want to keep you all to myself," i told her. I don't want anyone else looking at you while i am dating you, because you're so beautiful, I want my eyes to be the only one looking at you." Boy, that sounded obsessively psycho!

"You really mean it, Paul?" Carol asked me, melting.

"Yes, I really mean it," I told her. If she fell for that, she was naive as hell, I thought.

We did some more home dates, when Carol once again begged me to take her to a "public outing."

I reluctantly agreed to. I could take her to the Village Coffeehouse, a virtually vacant cafe. It was a small little cofffee shop, and whenever I went there with my sister, Lisa, we are usually the only two customers. Carol and I would 98% would be the only two customers there.

I told her to meet me at The Village Coffeehouse on Wednesday afternoon, at 5. Kelly would be in New York for two more weeks. Carol eagerly agreed. It was Monday night.

On Tuesday Night, Kelly called me and told me she was coming back from NYC tomorrow, and she wanted to spend the day with me. Tomorrow, which would be Wednesday. I was excited that my girlfriend was coming back, but I told Carol to meet me at the Village Coffee house Wednesday afternoon. Oh well, Carol was just a replacement for Kelly. Now, that the real thing was back, I didn't need the replacement anymore.

On Wednesday, Kelly came back, and she looked stunning as hell. She was a beautiful wavy brunette, with beautiful chestnut brown eyes, an amazing white smile, creamy , flawless complexion, and a a slender figure, She was 5'6. i eagerly embraced her, and we spent two hours in bed, "making up' for the time she'd been gone. It was fun, I'll tell you.
Part 2

After "making up" for lost time, Kelly and I got ready for the day, and we went to Lenny's for a late breakfast. We had pancakes, eggs, suasages, and bacon. Lenny's has a real good deal where you get two of everything for just under $7.00. I gushed at Kelly how wonderful and sweet and beautiful she was and how much I loved her. She blushed shyly. I felt warm inside. We finished our breakfast, and then went to the mall and bought some MP3 players. We went home and downloaded some rocking music music from our paid music file on our computer.

After downloading, we decided to go to the movies. It was now 5:05. We inadvertently passed by the Village Coffeehouse, and I saw Carol there, waiting for me. She didn't see me, but I saw her. She looked so hopeful. I just whistled happily to myself and kept going on my way to the movies with my girlfriend. I don't need Carol anymore. kielly's back.

Kelly and I bought pocorn and soda, with extra butter on the popcorn, and she and I watched a movie. Carol called me during the movie, but I coldly ignored it, and turned off my phone. I changed Carol's name on my contacts to "Steve" so that it would lookk as if "Steve" were calling me if Kelly happened to look at my cellphone.

After the movie, we left, and passed by the Village Coffeehouse again, and Carol was STILL waiting for me. She looked ready to cry. What a low-self esteem bitch Carol was. So desperate. I didn't even show my face to apologize. I was callous and a cad. I dropped Kelly off and went home.

At home, Carol called me again. "Where are you? Carol asked me. You were supposed to meet me at 5.00. It's 8:00 now. She sounded as if she were crying.

"You ACTUALLY waited 3 hours for me?" I scoffed nastily.

"Yes," I did. Are you coming or not?" Carol asked me.

"Are you serious? No I am not coming. I stood you up, and I don't care You are so fuc... desparate for me. Desparate and gullible. Go home, Carol." Go home before the manager has you arrested for loitering like a homeless bum." I laughed nastily.

Carol said, "You are a cad!"

"You have no respect for yourself, Carol," I sneered at her venomously.
Man, carol was so stupid to wait for me.

"Go fuc... ing fuc... yourself Carol told me. Then go burn in hell you as....hole!"

She slammed the phone down.

I don't need that no backbone doormat. I got my girlfriend back, and Carol was just a diversion for Kelly. I really don't care that i stood Carol up, her dumbass should have left after the fiorst 30 minutes. What dumass girl actually spends three hours waiting for their date? Carol DESERVED to bhe stood up. I had little to no sympathy for Carol. She and I were both adults, in our 20's. We weren't teenagers. She was old enough to know better.

The next morning, I went to work as a cashier in Reggie's, a store that was both a store and a pharmacy. During my shift, I fleetingly thought of the guy who coldly dumped his girlfriend because he wanted to see other girls, and she was embittered, but he didn't give much thought to her feelings. When he got a new job, he realized that his embittered ex-girlfriend was now his manager, and she made his job 50 times harder than anyone else's as embittered revenge. Karma can bite in the ass hard. I hoped Carol wouldn't someday end up as my manager. I shook the thought out of my head and rung up my customers.

After work, I suddenly thought, "What if Kelly goes on vacation again? I need somebody to hook up with. I don't want to be alone if kelly leaves again. I needed Carol to date if Kelly was gone. After my tongue lashing and standing her up, I don't think Carol will be crawlng to me anytime soon. I needed Carol as a diversion again. I had to make up a convincing tale to get Carol back as a backup.

I called Carol. 'Hi, Carol," i told her. She cursed me out and hung up the phone. I called back five minutes later, and found out that Carol had blocked my number from her number. Okay, so now she decides to get a backbone, and I have no backup date. Oh well. I will just have to hope that Kelly doesn't go on vacation. Or, i have to hope that I get another back-up date.... God, p,lease don't let Kelly go on anymore vacations until i find a new backup date.....
Re: Part 2

I called Carol. 'Hi, Carol," i told her. She cursed me out and hung up the phone. I called back five minutes later, and found out that Carol had blocked my number from her number. Okay, so now she decides to get a backbone, and I have no backup date. Oh well. I will just have to hope that Kelly doesn't go on vacation. Or, i have to hope that I get another back-up date.... God, p,lease don't let Kelly go on anymore vacations until i find a new backup date.....

I don't blame Carol for hanging up on his ass. Good for Carol! :D LOl at: "She cursed me out, hung up the phone, and then blocked my number!" :D Guess Carol is not as naive as Paul thought she was. :)
Re: Part 2

I don't blame Carol for hanging up on his ass. Good for Carol! :D LOl at: "She cursed me out, hung up the phone, and then blocked my number!" :D Guess Carol is not as naive as Paul thought she was. :)

Wouldn't you if you were her? ;) Paul stood her up and called her desperate and then called her back later on and said, "hi.".... Any girl in her right mind would have done the same. :D
But, seriously, what idiot waits 3 fuc . king hours for their date to show up? :S Carol did seem dumb....
so you stood up a Carol at a coffe and then passed by with your real GF at the same place as you were supposed to meet carol.
You have to be as dumb as carol to actually going with your GF as the same location where you were supposed to meet the other girl....