The CBS Variety show is different then the act the Jackson Five did in Vegas, during the mid-70s, though based on that same show. So Berry Gordy had no influence over the actual TV program, as that happened after they moved to CBS records. Michael hated doing it because he thought it would over-expose the group, which it did, their record sales dropped by the time the show was cancled, and he didn't like how everything was so rushed. A show had to be shot a week, and with how much of a perfectionist Michael is, obviously he didn't like that. Plus, as has already been said, he doesn't think he's funny and he hated having to do the skits. But I love watching them just to see Michael perform those tap numbers and just to see him perform overall. I have all of the episodes on DVD as well, in good quality. Michael really killed it in all those dance routines. The one he did with the Nicholas Brothers is cool. He actually outdances them, he's more fluid, precise and graceful, lol. No surprise to me though. And the skits are so corny that they're actually funny. It's fun just to see all of them take on the comedy. Have you seen the one where Michael and Marlon play bull fighters and Dom Deluise comes in after getting beat up by a bull? Deluise tells Michael he payed for the bull to take a fall and Michael goes in to fight, all cockey, then Deluise starts counting money and Marlon's like "Whatchu' doin'", and Deluise says "The bulls the only one who doesn't know he's taking a fall." lol, its so dumb its funny.