The Jackson's home in Gary, Indiana.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
We're driving through Gary, Indiana tomorrow during our road trip, and we're planning on stopping at the house. What can we expect? Is there anything cool to see or look out for? Would it be a little out of line to knock on the door and ask to look around? ;)
I went there in 2003 when MJ came back to receive the key to the city. It was SUPER COOL! There isn't anything to do or look at really, the house is super small and looks totally normal. It just sits on a corner in front of the high school. I wouldn't recommend asking to look through it, but if you do and it works...let me know :) :) :)
Oh that's home!!
look out for me. I'll be there. lol

oh, go to dustie's. its a buffet and they have a picture of mj in there,

if i think of more i'm let you know
Im sure the people who live there are sick of people knocking on the door asking to look at the house.
they don't have knock on the door. they can stand outside.
the people that live there understand
Would it be a little out of line to knock on the door and ask to look around? ;)

they don't have knock on the door. they can stand outside.
the people that live there understand

They dont have to no but they want to. I agree that they should just look at the house from the outside. Would you go up to MJs house and say, 'Hey do you mind if we go through your house?' Privacy = Respect.
ahh didn't see that one.

yea, i wouldn't ask to look in.
The owners probably regret buying the house now. lol
they are his cousins

i don't think they had to buy it.
^^ Are they? I didnt know that. I thought it was an older couple living there who bought the house long after the Jackson moved out.
Thanks you guys are awesome. I'm not gonna go knocking on the door, but if someone is outside I might strike up a conversation. Are they really his cousins?
we drove through Gary when a detour the highway took us on made us go through, it was a scary area. We didn't wanna stop at all, we just wanted to get out of there as quick as possible!
Hey everone! Just stopped by their house. We were incredibly suprised how non-chalant gary is about having the house there. The only hint of their house being there is the "jackson family blvd" street sign...gary is a pretty poor city. Very run down. But we were able to walk right on the sidewalk next to the house. The yard/house is even smaller then it looks like in the videos/pics. Very cool experience. A cop stopped by while we were standing outside and was cool about it. "I know what you guys are doin!" Then told us to be careful. It was pretty incredible and we got some good pictures.
I saw their house whilst watching 'The Jacksons Are Coming!' and it is bloody mahusive, just mind blowing. Great decor and stuff and I'm so glad they let viewers have the chance to see what it's like inside! It was all gold and glittery! Definetly well earned!
I saw their house whilst watching 'The Jacksons Are Coming!' and it is bloody mahusive, just mind blowing. Great decor and stuff and I'm so glad they let viewers have the chance to see what it's like inside! It was all gold and glittery! Definetly well earned!
Were talkin about their childhood house..ill upload pictures later tonight
I went there on June 8th, 2005. It's extremely small. It looks too small to even be a 1 car garage!! But it's a lot to look at when you think of how historical it is. And the first place Michael performed at, Roosevelt High School is right behind their house. AWESOME. Have fun!
So his cousins live in there? But if it's so small, why not live in a much bigger house? It's not like they can't afford it ;)

from the side..

Does Michael's family still own the house then?

I think it would be so fascinating to go there and see the house. One day I will. It makes me feel weird to think they started off there, and now look at them all. It's just amazing.
Thanx a lot for the pics Leslie and 1offthewall1. One day I'll visit there. You know, to feel the vibe of the place The Jackson 5/The Jacksons/MJ history began. Isn't it amazing to see the humble beginning and where they are now?

Even though it was a very dangerous neighborhood due to the local gangs and drugs at that time) and they made it and got out of there, I know the whole family loves Gary to death.