The Jacksons: An American Dream (TV Alert for UK)


Proud Member
Nov 2, 2006
Hi everyone:

Just to let you know that The Jacksons: An American Dream is on now on Truemovies (channel 428).

They show it in two parts. Part One is starting now. I don't know when they will show the second part, probably tomorrow.
Hi everyone:

Just to let you know that The Jacksons: An American Dream is on now on Truemovies (channel 428).

They show it in two parts. Part One is starting now. I don't know when they will show the second part, probably tomorrow.

Damn! I haven't subscribed to that channel,can you cap it?
I don't have a tape to tape it but I think it's on You Tube.
i've watched it on that channel before and they edited out the parts with the beatings, i wonder if they'll screen the same version.
Darn it! I wish I knew before hand...Thanks for letting us know though!
i brought i that DVD on that weekend at my HMV store :yes: and i watch it on sunday afternoon :yes: :) i was suprise they alright have this DVD out in store :yes: i my mother pay $28.99 for it :yes:
I have no idea if I even have TrueMovies.... is it on Sky of Virgin.
Thanks, just catching the last 40 mins. Love it! He's doing the Mowton audition!
I've only seen it on True Movies here in the UK. In the States it comes on VH1 Classic.

Yeah. it's very edited! It's definitely worth buying the DVD! I hope it will get easier to find the DVD.
I know, I've seen it many times too but it would be nice to have it as part of my collection. I don't think the VH1 Classic version is unedited. I know Flash Dance was edited slightly b/c of language on VH1 Classic in the States. Not sure about this movie though.

I don't know if stores like Target or Walmart and them carry this regularly, but u can always pick it up online. I am thinking about it even though I've seen it soooo much buying it would almost be like overkill for me.

Are there parts in the DVD that aren't shown on the TV version they show on VH1 Classic?
Thanks for that. I looked it up on the Web site & it had it listed as part 1, but it makes sense that it would be part two. It looks like it will be repeated over the next few months too if anyone missed it, but there's always You Tube for the unedited version :)

quote=Derek22;2056273]Part two is showing tomorrow at 3pm, on True Movies (Sky channel 321) :)[/quote]