The internet is dangerous, I can't believe this article is real !

Word Smith Sr

Proud Member
Jan 18, 2008
Rosé Brut, Dream On City

Russian Cannibal Lured Victim Over the Internet

Posted on August 31, 2011 08:55:00 AM ET
By Julie Bolcer


A young Russian chef in the city of Murmansk fatally stabbed and then proceeded to cut up and eat a male victim he met online and invited home.

The English Language Russian news agency RIA Novosti reports on the crime in the Artic region, where investigators say the 21-year-old defendant was motivated by a desire to eat human flesh. He sought his victim under the guise of arranging a sexual encounter online because he believed that such a person would be more discreet.

"According to preliminary information, one of them was seeking a sexual partner,” said Murmansk Investigation Committee chief Fyodor Bludenov, according to RIA. “The accused explained later that such people are not open, and they prefer to hide their contacts.”

The mother of the victim contacted police this month and authorities located the accused by investigating her son’s contacts. The defendant faces up to 15 years in jail, but he must first undergo a psychiatric examination to determine if he is fit to stand trial.

Just found more here:
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Jesus man. How the hell do people arrange to meet with total stranger, with whom they have only spoken on internet is beyond me. I mean, don't they realise how dangerous can that be? And if things did happen as described on the article, the guy is going to face only 15 years on jail? Seriously? Wow
Jesus man. How the hell do people arrange to meet with total stranger, with whom they have only spoken on internet is beyond me. I mean, don't they realise how dangerous can that be? And if things did happen as described on the article, the guy is going to face only 15 years on jail? Seriously? Wow

I don't understand that either. I guess it's a case of desperate times call for desperate measures :unsure:

The cannibal deserves more than 15 years. IMO. Geez! According to NY Daily News, the guy told police he intended to kill and eat 10 more people :puke: That's just sick.
Now I'm never ever gonna meet up with anyone I befriend on the net.........

Here today, Eaten tomorrow!!!!
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Looks like we have another cannibal here lol. We all know what you're doing when you're offline now. :p

Of course.

In all seriousness, however...there are safe ways to meet up with people you have befriended online. The usual public place, bring a friend, etc. rules apply. Not everyone on the net is a rapist, a pedophile, or a cannibal. Obviously, certain precautions are entirely non-negotiable, and if the person in question refuses to abide by your conditions, there is plenty of reason to suspect their motives. However, the Internet can be a valuable source of friends, especially for those who cannot find interesting people in their periphery, so it would be unwise to not take advantage of such a potentially good resource simply because there are some risks involved.

So, Word Smith Sr., I'd amend your title statement and say the world at large, on and offline, is a dangerous place. However, that's no reason to not get involved, right?
Of course.

In all seriousness, however...there are safe ways to meet up with people you have befriended online. The usual public place, bring a friend, etc. rules apply. Not everyone on the net is a rapist, a pedophile, or a cannibal. Obviously, certain precautions are entirely non-negotiable, and if the person in question refuses to abide by your conditions, there is plenty of reason to suspect their motives. However, the Internet can be a valuable source of friends, especially for those who cannot find interesting people in their periphery, so it would be unwise to not take advantage of such a potentially good resource simply because there are some risks involved.

So, Word Smith Sr., I'd amend your title statement and say the world at large, on and offline, is a dangerous place. However, that's no reason to not get involved, right?

Yeah i know lol, not everyone is dangerous on the internet. I'm actually very close to someone i met online. That being said, given all the hypocrites i've met in real life so far, i guess it's easier for people to be fake/hypocritical online. You can't see the person's body language, hear her/his voice to be able to know how genuine the person is.

But yeah, like you said, interacting with someone online can be worthwhile. To answer your question, yes you're kinda right. :)