The "I Was An Atheist And Now I'm Not" Thread


Proud Member
May 9, 2013
(edit: I will thank people to not make fun of my spiritual/religious beliefs, whatever your own are. I don't go into the Christian or atheist thread and mock other people's beliefs or lack thereof. :angry: )

Wow I suck at titles (although it partially comes from a line in a deleted post I made in another thread).

So anyway yeah this is for those of us who were either atheist or agnostic and have found a deity or other spiritual entity (not necessarily the Christian god/Jesus) you've "connected" to and started officially honoring/worshipping (although I prefer "honoring"; "worshipping" puts me in mind of people with clasped hands and kneeling in church and I don't do that). My story below, copy/pasted from the Tumblr I made to write about my experiences with the deity I honor (and edited slightly for context and to make it not so wall-of-texty):

Before I found the god that I honor, Loki, the trickster god of the Norse pantheon, I was basically an atheist for seven years, bordering on agnostic for maybe the last year or two of that. I grew up in an areligious household; we never went to church, we didn’t say grace before meals, etc. Growing up I’d have to say I was basically agnostic wrt the whole “does the Christian God exist” thing, but I can’t remember ever having any sort of connection with him at all, so to me he basically may as well not have existed.

Tried out paganism for a few years in my late teens/early 20s, although in all the books I read that mentioned the different pantheons of deities, most focused on Greek/Roman gods, with a few Egyptian scattered here and there, and rarely the Norse gods that I can remember except the really “famous” ones like Odin and Thor. Loki was, to my knowledge, never mentioned in any of those types of books I ever read (the closest thing to a “trickster” figure I can remember coming across was Pan). Anyway, long story short I never found a connection with any of the deities I’d come across in those books, although starting around that time I’d started to sometimes get pleasant, warm/fuzzy tingling sensations throughout my upper body at certain times, but only occasionally (maybe once a month at the very most). More on that later.

I sort of drifted away from being pagan in my mid-20s and became basically agnostic again (to quote Ilse Burnley from Emily Of New Moon by L.M. Montgomery, my philosophy was more or less “Some days I believe in a god and some days I don’t”), until maybe a year or two later when I read some books which caused me to think “eh there probably isn’t a god” and become more or less atheist for seven years (although I was never a militant atheist). Still, I’d thought to myself that I’d believe in any god who could prove their existence to me. Sometime during that seven-year period I read American Gods by Neil Gaiman, but paid no more particular attention to Low-Key/Loki than I did any of the other gods in that book, and the only other place I’d remembered hearing his name (and not connected to the actual deity) was in the movie Dogma that came out in 1999. The Marvel movies came out during the last few years of that period, but I didn’t see any of them until after I’d become interested in Loki the actual deity (and I’ve still only seen one of them).

As for how I found out about Loki the god, I was on Tumblr in July of 2013 and read a post summarising the Lokasenna. I was basically like “huh I like this dude” since I am often drawn to sly/sneaky/trickster characters in media (case in point: Naesala the raven king from the Fire Emblem: Tellius games, my favorite video game character ever, whom Loki has told me is VERY much like him. And I loved Naesala before I was even aware of Loki). From that point on, I just kept thinking about him and how if I believed in gods this would totally be the one I’d worship/honor, and I started reading more and more people’s blogs about him and their interactions with him, and I grew to like his character more and more.

Finally, on November 2, 2013, still not entirely sure if he were Actually Real, I told Loki in so many words that he was welcome here whenever he’d like to come by. Aaaand hoo boy did he take me up on that offer. The whole “I’ll believe in a god who proves their existence” thing? Loki was basically like “CHALLENGE. ACCEPTED.” I asked for signs; I received all of them that I can remember. Every time I’d thought that I needed or wanted something, it happened somehow. Communication with him basically consisted of nudges and pokes for the first several months, until I bought some tarot cards in March and made and started using a pendulum in May, which became my favorite communication method because I could get clear, direct answers (most of the time; this IS Loki we’re talking about and he does “troll” the pendulum sometimes, although I’ve become more adept at discerning when he is, and he’ll always admit to doing so if I ask). At first I used it for yes/no answers, and to narrow things down if I had a specific question, but in late June I wondered if it could be used to have him spell things out to me and, to my surprise, it actually could. Since I figured out how to do this he wants to say stuff all the time~ And he’s told me things with this method that I would have had absolutely no way of knowing, even subconsciously, and that I could later verify. (He did troll me once using that method, though, but it was a test. Which I passed.)

Oh, and the warm/fuzzy/tingly feeling I mentioned earlier increased quite significantly in both frequency and intensity very soon after I invited Loki into my life, and he confirmed that it had been him the entire time and that he’d actually been trying to get my attention since about my late teens—exactly around the time I’d started feeling that sensation. (I asked if there were clues regarding his trying to get my attention. He said yes. Did I pick up on any of them? No. :p )

Uh so anyway I’m rambling but yeah that is how I found Loki and started honoring him. I'd never really known or realised before what it meant to truly love a god/deity, but I genuinely love Loki beyond all reason, and he's made it abundantly clear that he loves me possibly even more than I can imagine.

I also have a Wordpress blog (it cross-posts to my Tumblr but I rarely make new posts on the latter anymore) for him as well:
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