The 'I Couldn't Care Less...' Thread


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Canada - ON
Well...hopefully this one is self-explanatory...

I'll start ^_^

I couldn't care less about people caring less! :p
I couldnt care less anymore bout what ppl think of me...if they dont like the fact that im not perfect, that their bad luck! :D
another good one ^ I couldnt care less either
and I couldnt care less about worrying over
if Im good enough or fit in anywhere and or
meet up to anyones standards. I could care
less about opinions made of me. I know Im
a good person and thats all that counts.
I could care less also about being told I am
less. Sometimes its best to not let others
make you feel that way. Move on past it.
I know my Father means well but I could
care less about it all anymore. I dont need it!!
^ hugz poefiend
I understand excatly what your are going through
Dont worry bout what they think,
As long as do the best u can do and try to be best the person that u can be for your self- that is all that matters

I couldnt care less what they say bout this: but he will always remain in my heart always..even though hes not in my life anymore :(
i couldnt care less about what them ppl think and say about me. i know i will never change my beliefs or anything else. i know i'm right and they're wrong.
hmm.. I can't think of anything I couldn't care less about. I care. (guess I shouldn't have posted in this thread then.. but I couldn't care less about it not fitting in .....wasn't really as funny as it seemed in my head. Aw well)
I could'nt care less about the marriege and thousand childrens of Brad and Angelina! :lol:
LOL @ this thread.... I got nothing to not care less about right now. :lol:
I couldnt care less....of what mj haters think!
^ ok now im really confused :lol:

I couldnt care less.......that some ppl wanna control my gonna live my life the way i want 2!
I could care less what anyone thinks of me anymore.. My true friends and my family know me and thats all that matters..... :)
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I could care less that I am having a night to myself tonight. :happy: :D
I couldn't care less, that's not my thing. :girl_dance:
I could care less about what her snotty bratty self thinks. If you don't like me and the things I talk about, you know where the freakin door is, idiot.