the HOT dancer in "This Is It",,,...


Proud Member
Jul 28, 2011
does anyone know his name. He was the dancer on the right (from the audience view) in the striped pants with a long bang. He is so hot and I would love to know who he is. can someone please identify him.
um, that does not look like him. are we talking about the same guy. He had on the stip gym pants I think they were grey and black. does anyone have a photo from the promo footage.

this is the guy. the one you guys posted has different mannerisms and body type and size.
Might be Shannon Holtzapffel. :scratch:
Who is the dude who sings I'll Be There and Black or White rap? He's been on every single MJ tour, IDK his name?
Who is the dude who sings I'll Be There and Black or White rap? He's been on every single MJ tour, IDK his name?
Yeah, I was wondering if that was him or I guess it is him now that you've said it.

Good to see him sticking by MJ's side. :)
the hot chick was Mekia Cox. she also played in the TV-series 90210