The Hobbit


Proud Member
Jan 15, 2011

There are 3 Hobbit movies coming and they are directed by Peter Jackson. The Lord of the Rings trilogy was amazing so I'm very excited.

Official site:

Trailer (it is even better in HD)
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I am beyond excited. I've waited for so long for this, and there's still one year to go! :clap: I cant wait to go back to Middle Earth! Yeeehaaa!!!
Did anybody read the book? I'd like to buy it and I just wanted to hear some opinions. And I'm looking forward to the movie!
Yes! I read it when I was 13, and loved it. I only wanted to read non fiction at the time, but I grew up as the only reader in a house with NO books. I ran out of things to read and my mom had this old copy from high school and gave it to me... but I was too cool for "fantasy". I read it anyway.

It is more linear then LOTR, and more of a slant towards children. It is also somewhat lighthearted by comparison, but I tell you, I had a Shakespeare essay due the next day and this book is the reason I got a terrible grade! I couldn't stop reading. That was the moment I fell in love with Tolkien :)

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The movie premiere was in Wellington, New Zealand few days ago:

Can't wait! The movie comes here where I live in 12.12.2012.
Cant wait for it (but in the other hand cant not wait every year again for the next was hard with lord of the rings)
I saw the movie yesterday! It was as good as I expected. It was just like The Hobbit movie should be like. Of course its not as good as Lord of the Rings movies but still very good. Martin Freeman was great as Bilbo and it was great to see Gandalf again. 3D was ok but it made some battle scenes a little hard to follow. I might have enjoyed it more in 2D. The movie was a great trip back to Middle-earth. Can't wait to see the sequels!

I just loved it. I saw it twice. I can't for the second movie