The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and Other Theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

There is a hearing on the 14th but, no trial yet! A preliminary hearing I believe is first. That's if the defense is ready for it? BLAH!
It's funny that we are in June and is a big silence about June 14. :unsure:

Well, I believe that nothing important will happen this day.
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Man he's so cute when he's making that speech :wub:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Paris had that necklace before MJ passed even though La toya said she bought it after MJ died! La toya also said that Paris said she would where the other half of the necklace everyday and that isn't true, there are other pics of Paris wearing other necklaces!

La toya always changes her stories when talking about things including the children! She has said that after they saw him at the hospital they didn't cry for him anymore but, in another interview she said they do cry!

Okay, the pic everyone says Paris had the necklace on was taken weeks before 25th. MJ is wearing all black and is coming out of rehearsals for this is it!.. Paris a pink jacket with the necklace on! Maybe u seen the pic before?

Something is way off. I know La Toya changes her stories and thats annoying, she seems to forget stuff she had said in previous interviewes.

Acoording to La Toya, “"Paris told me, 'The heart is in two pieces. I want one half to go to daddy and I will wear the other half forever.'”... She carefully wrapped it around his wrist and said, 'Daddy this is for you. On daddy, it will be blue because he is cold. On me, it's purple. He's so cold, he is so cold. ".

Paris wore “her half” on the memorial service at Staples. The necklage she had on at the memorial is a heart and you can give the other half one away, which by looks at pictures she has done that.. so I always presumed it was THAT necklage/heart La Toya were talking about and that we all could see on Paris.

The necklage Paris wore on the day she left Culver studios before MJ passed, wearing a pink jacket and that pink camera does not look like the one she wore at the memorial at all. That necklage is a round stone, which looks like one of those that changes colour -this fits right with La Toyas interview as well where Paris suppsoedly told on her it will be purple and on him it will be blue - BUT you cant cut that in half, like how La Toya described it, nor does it have the shape of a heart and we dont know for sure that the necklage can change colour.

Yes this has been discussed here before because we discovered that Paris actually had that necklace before MJ passed.

Which necklage were you thinking of? The necklage Paris wore on the memorial looks like to be the same La Toya were talking about, a heart which u can cut it in half.. but the necklage she wore before MJ passed can POSSIBLY change colour but you cant cut it in half and share it.

Look at these two pictures and compare.
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

To me it doesn't look like one half of a heart (the one of the memorial) and you're right the 2 necklaces aren't the same.
If you look at this picture for example it's another shape if you ask me.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I agree that it doesn't look like a heart shape! That's why I said just necklace cause I never seen a heart shape like the one Paris has on, not even just a half! o_0

But, I do think it's the same weird shape necklace in both pics though! It is harder to see on the pic with the pink jacket because she is outside so the silver part is almost hard to see from the sun. But, for me I can still make out a little blue on the necklace and the black string it's on!

From what I know of changing mood jewelry the stone is always blue and only changes when someone touches them or the weather! At least that's what my mood jewelry does!
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Now this amused me.

We've got some tadoo goin' on surrounding Clark Gable's tomb...

Clark Gable's Tomb -- Vandalized with a Kiss

Originally posted Jun 6th 2010 12:15 AM PDT by TMZ Staff
Clark Gable's marble tomb at Forest Lawn Cemetery has been so badly damaged it needs a total overhaul -- and it's all because one adoring fan couldn't keep her lips to herself.


TMZ spoke with John Clark Gable -- the famous actor's son -- who tells us he noticed the smooch last month during a visit to the mausoleum.

Gable tells us that the lipstick bandit has struck several times in the past -- but they've always been able to easily wipe off the mark ... that is, until now. This time, the stain is so bad, Forest Lawn had to dispatch their in-house marble repair team to fix the damage.

Gable also noted that his father is entombed in the same mausoleum as Michael Jackson -- and warns that if MJ fans are allowed into the place, they could accidentally damage some of the surrounding tombs.

As for the Lipstick Bandit -- Gable tells us security will "keep an eye out" in case she strikes again.

~ All this lately bringing us back into focusing on Michael's tomb there at Glendale is just too strong of a force. I'm not the type to even consider going to Forest Lawn to be a part of whatever is going to be goin' on on the 25th...but all this is even having me feel a pull to get myself over there as well! Now that's some GOOD PR work, let me tell ya.

And it's only June 6th! :wild:

Forest Lawn......................June 25th.............................Be There!
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

The picture youve shown above DOES show that Paris had that necklace before. Zoom in:

And since June 25th, Paris is often seen NOT wearing her Dad's necklace at all but mostly been seen wearing a key if anything!:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Yea TMZ is aware of people going there & possibly in side on the 25th so their promoting it cause there asses will be there too!

How come they can't wipe off the lipstick like other times on Clarke's Tomb? (R.I.P) What did she use a marker on her lips this time? LOL! It's almost has if there warning fans to stay away on the 25th with this story!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Now this amused me.

We've got some tadoo goin' on surrounding Clark Gable's tomb...

Clark Gable's Tomb -- Vandalized with a Kiss

Originally posted Jun 6th 2010 12:15 AM PDT by TMZ Staff
Clark Gable's marble tomb at Forest Lawn Cemetery has been so badly damaged it needs a total overhaul -- and it's all because one adoring fan couldn't keep her lips to herself.


TMZ spoke with John Clark Gable -- the famous actor's son -- who tells us he noticed the smooch last month during a visit to the mausoleum.

Gable tells us that the lipstick bandit has struck several times in the past -- but they've always been able to easily wipe off the mark ... that is, until now. This time, the stain is so bad, Forest Lawn had to dispatch their in-house marble repair team to fix the damage.

Gable also noted that his father is entombed in the same mausoleum as Michael Jackson -- and warns that if MJ fans are allowed into the place, they could accidentally damage some of the surrounding tombs.

As for the Lipstick Bandit -- Gable tells us security will "keep an eye out" in case she strikes again.

~ All this lately bringing us back into focusing on Michael's tomb there at Glendale is just too strong of a force. I'm not the type to even consider going to Forest Lawn to be a part of whatever is going to be goin' on on the 25th...but all this is even having me feel a pull to get myself over there as well! Now that's some GOOD PR work, let me tell ya.

And it's only June 6th! :wild:

Forest Lawn......................June 25th.............................Be There!

Yea TMZ is aware of people going there & possibly in side on the 25th so their promoting it cause there asses will be there too!

How come they can't wipe off the lipstick like other times on Clarke's Tomb? (R.I.P) What did she use a marker on her lips this time? LOL! It's almost has if there warning fans to stay away on the 25th with this story!

Seriously,, U guys are right, and then they have Randy saying, well Janet and Mother will be there too. Well OF COURSE!! I would hope that they would be there. They have yet to visit him anyway. Even Murray went there, but none of the Jacksons? I guess there is something important happening there, thats why J and K are showing up. If I was Randy I would be trying to get FL to keep fans OUT not trying to bring them closer. Doesnt the family want privacy that day?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

. Doesnt the family want privacy that day?

They seem to be wanting something in particular. Now what might that be? We have three weeks to go. As that time passes along, let's see if we can figure it out. :)
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

June 25th is going to be a busy day as there is FL activities, Tributes and Murray's court date (Child support).
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

... and Murray's court date (Child support).
Another one of these?

Oh Goody! Maybe we might get to see this dude again.

For some reason I find him very entertaining.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Another one of these?

Oh Goody! Maybe we might get to see this dude again.

For some reason I find him very entertaining.

lol Yeah that guy, the guy that was at the funeral for some reason.:doh:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

So what was La Toya saying again?
She didn't say it was a new one, did she?! And she was probably not quoted literally, people rarely are (we as MJ fans should know that).
And maybe Michael gave Paris the necklace..
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

She didn't say it was a new one, did she?! And she was probably not quoted literally, people rarely are (we as MJ fans should know that).
And maybe Michael gave Paris the necklace..

Well, La Toya have been on TV interviews saying what Paris did with that necklace and I believe I do remember her saying Paris bought it, not just had one already?

Which I took as her meaning she bought it to give one to MJ, because of her saying Paris gave one to MJ and kept the other half!

I believe one of the interviews where La Toya mentions the necklace could be an Access Hollywood interview?
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

She didn't say it was a new one, did she?! And she was probably not quoted literally, people rarely are (we as MJ fans should know that).
And maybe Michael gave Paris the necklace..

She made it sound like it was.. and she said it on tv.

The picture youve shown above DOES show that Paris had that necklace before. Zoom in:

Yeh the other poster was mistaking the print on the tshirt for the necklace.

It is the same as the one from the memorial, it's just at an angle in the left picture.

Sorry this is long, I'd just like to add a random comment on my previous random comment about Bush and Faye spending time and energy dressing MJ up. I went back and read it and it is really TOO crude.

I just want you all to know I really meant no harm or disrespect, I've just been especially upset lately as I'm feeling dizzy from all this running around in mental circles over this plus missing Michael plus random "tribute" stuff non of which I can stand (last year bought a T shirt because it was beautiful and it was E Cas' name on it lol) and also a few short weeks ago I lost my favorite and only brother and guess how he died, he stopped breathing, CPR didn't help, ambulance came, whisked him to the hospital, worked on him a while, took him off life support, he was 53 years old, heart attack. In advance I thank you for your sympathetic thoughts and yet sympathy is not my reason for sharing that personal information. Its because I just wanted to explain why I've come across as so feeling so uniquely "qualified to comment the way I did plus having a dear friend who retired from the mortuary business share some things but anyway (sry rambling)

Even though people handle things in different ways I am experiencing my brother's death completely differently than anything I've been witnessing since June '09 and am reading this "hoax" information as not very entertaining although I know its all for love and dissecting fact from fiction and I guess for other reasons too am apparently still too upset still about Michael "leaving" in whatever form that took (although if he is indeed alive and well I'd love to choke him for putting me through antics although I trust its for very important reasons) but anyway (sorry, rambling again)

I don't really care for the word "hoax" even if there is something going on but I guess we're stuck with it. I probably will not continue within this thread. Its all too upsetting to my tranquility of mind.

I do want in closing to add for whatever it could be worth to anyone, that there were gross errors in part of my brother's Med. Examiner report, and that the hospital staff escorted us (family members) to a comfortable private room and had a Chaplain there when both doctors that tirelessly worked on him gave us the utterly shocking and devestatingly sad news, That's all, just wanted you all to know my POV in case it helps something. Keep up the good work. I know Michael's proud - wherever he is.

I'm sorry to hear about your brother, I wish you and your family/friends love and comfort :huggy:

Don't worry about any posts you made.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Paris' memorial chain is half a heart, which coincides with LaToya's claim. Because she doesn't wear it everyday, unlike what LaToya once said, doesn't make the existence of the necklace and what Paris did with it, any less true.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Pls recieve my condolence State of Stock
To add one last time to sad topic you discssed-Karen Faye have an expereince to make such make up-atleast she claims so-that Liza Minnely asked her to to make up on her late father VincentMinnely
it really still shockingand not understandable for me how she and Bush were able to do this work
from emotonal to spesifical issues with this ,but from other point of view I remember documentary about death/murder of Merilyn Monroe-her make up artist was there and he said tha she asked him that of something happen to her one day -let it be him to make her beautiful one last time...
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

The picture youve shown above DOES show that Paris had that necklace before. Zoom in:

She made it sound like it was.. and she said it on tv.
Yeh the other poster was mistaking the print on the tshirt for the necklace.

It is the same as the one from the memorial, it's just at an angle in the left picture.

Wooohoo.. Sorry for the mixup guys! The print on the tshirt really looked like a necklace haha
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Nobody was questioning the existence of the necklace or its importance to Paris. Maybe Michael bought it to her. Maybe she bought another one and gave it to him.

BUT i do have doubts about LaToya and her stories. she's not being fully honest imo. I think that was the point in the necklace discussion.. and it's not just about that, it's other things she's said. don't know why.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Wasn't it supposed to happen something on the 7'th of June according to BOW-girl? Well.. nothing did.. surprise surprise.. :)
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Wasn't it supposed to happen something on the 7'th of June according to BOW-girl? Well.. nothing did.. surprise surprise.. :)

Did this person actually say this? I really don't pay no mind to them! Or was they talking about sometime in June? All I know is that they have a countdown at some website for the 25th? *shrugs*
