The haters suddenly go!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
If you notice that many people that at one point hated and called Michael names like paedophile and weird finally have stopped and show him respect! It's a shame that his death finally gets him to universal respect he deserves!
That' what I thought would happen.... people sometimes only appreciate something when it's too late. I've noticed too. xxx But even if they were to say things, right now it wouldn't even matter to me. NOthing matters right now. xxx
haterz beware !! and it looks like most of them are doing so :zformation:

if i hear one bad thing today... i'm gutting that person with some stern azz words. if they dont take my words as a warning to what will follow ... i am simply knocking them out.
all my "friends" who said that he was a pedophile, a wierdo, etc, are now sad, and in their facebook profils post clips of Michael.
Those people killed Michael, and I hate them for this, but I prefer them paying respects to him, rather than continue to insult him even after his death
You know, fans have been saying that hypothetically for many years. Only if he died he'd been shown the respect he should have gotten while alive. We just didn't realise it would happen so soon... Of course you can still find a few haters here and there, but they're not too many now. Ironic eh? The death of the haters...
Yes i've noticed that too..and it sickens and angers me that these haters think they have ''the right'' 2 say nice things bout him. Why now!? Did they ''just woke up'' and realised what a great man he was?..yeh right as if! :angry:
we should take it as a strength to his character that people are no longer able to judge him in death, as they did in life...

respect is respect

it would be a far harsher reality if people were still slaying his memory with insults.

enjoy the honor that his passing is giving to his undying legacy... thank those that hated and are now realizing his worth :D
yeah, it's making me mad as well! because i do believe if it wasn't for all the negativity he's received, he'd still be around. and now they've all dropped the "self proclaimed" and he's suddenly turned into a saint. fuckin' hypocrites. he had such a hard life. poor baby.
Ive been very surprised actuall because on a lot of other forums I belong to such as wrestling who are usually criticle, all have RIP Michael Jackson in the shout boxes and in the thread there on Michael. Its a nice change of pace, unfortuantly he had to die to do so.
I've never been a fan of Navi, but I've seen him on television twice today and I know have a lot of respect for him. He put quite a few people in there place about their warp facts about Michael. Well done Navi, Michael would be very proud of you !!!
That's what annoys me. People who made fun of him and spoke of him negatively are all of a sudden being nice and positive about him and mourning him now.
Not suprised. I always predicted that once he passed, most of them (not all 'cause i'm still seeing some nasty comments) will start praising him and talking about how great he is. Ugh, gimmie a break.
they killed him. i feel pure hate at the moment. i put much blame on them.

the things mj went through would break them down in a second.

i hate them so much.
I've deleted anyone from my Facebook who's posted sarcastic or negative statuses regarding Michael's death. So in a way, the passing of the - to me - most important person in the world has worked as a way for me to see everyone's true colours. And I don't want anything to do with people that don't acknowledge Michael's talent. That's the least you can do. Also, I find these 'sarcastic' people utterly disrespectful towards those of us who have suffered a great loss. I feel like a very close relative of mine has died. It's the same feeling, the same love, the same loss. Empty now.
It makes me upset because the news and media are NOW saying positive things about him. It's a shame that people don't realize what they've got 'til it's gone.
I fear for the comments to come though, re his kids, the autopsy, his debt...
How long will the hypocrites stay nice?
I still hate these haters and doubters, it their fault for what they say and think of Michael in a bad over the years and especially to those hypocrites who betray him well they can go:censored:themselves for all I care. Damn them all.
I've never been a fan of Navi, but I've seen him on television twice today and I know have a lot of respect for him. He put quite a few people in there place about their warp facts about Michael. Well done Navi, Michael would be very proud of you !!!
Oh God, thank you. I get so sick of ppl saying false info on tv. Shouldn't they know by now that he didn't really sleep in the hyperbaric chamber or buy the elephant man's bones?!?
I've deleted anyone from my Facebook who's posted sarcastic or negative statuses regarding Michael's death. So in a way, the passing of the - to me - most important person in the world has worked as a way for me to see everyone's true colours. And I don't want anything to do with people that don't acknowledge Michael's talent. That's the least you can do. Also, I find these 'sarcastic' people utterly disrespectful towards those of us who have suffered a great loss. I feel like a very close relative of mine has died. It's the same feeling, the same love, the same loss. Empty now.
I know what you mean
Yes i've noticed that too..and it sickens and angers me that these haters think they have ''the right'' 2 say nice things bout him. Why now!? Did they ''just woke up'' and realised what a great man he was?..yeh right as if! :angry:

Just like Rev Al Sharpton said..."where were you yesterday?"
I've never been a fan of Navi, but I've seen him on television twice today and I know have a lot of respect for him. He put quite a few people in there place about their warp facts about Michael. Well done Navi, Michael would be very proud of you !!!

Good for him!!!!!
yeah... yesterday michael was the monster, the freak, the child molester... today he is a hero, greatest entertainer and artist on the world... very ironic...
yeah... yesterday michael was the monster, the freak, the child molester... today he is a hero, greatest entertainer and artist on the world... very ironic...

Well, they report the news that sell. This is the "news business" ... It's all so f*cked up.