~*The Grammy Awards-2011*~

Ms.MJ Fan2007

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Newark, New Jesery U.S.A
Hello peeps so tonight it's the music biggest night THE GRAMMYS!!! I porbbly going to wacth up to like 10 or 11. But I just seen Lady GaGa was like inside in the egg like Ohhh my goodness!!!! I mean what for? :no::wild::scratch: But it's going to be good so far. Anyway who's going to wacth the grammys so far?
well we just watched the live feed for the preshow....and Michael lost for TII....:(...so as far as I am concerned....the Grammy's are over...but thank you for the thread anyway...:hug:
I'm watching the grammys right now. Jennifer Hudson was great! I'm going to check out her album right now. Christina - LOL - she's great, too, but what a diva! Look at that red microphone and stand that she has.
im just so sad michael didnt win :( but im watching it.. and lol. lady gaga. i did not like her performance, because i think the song is crap and it hurts my ears.
I agree about the new Lady Gaga song (well, it doesn't hurt my ears, but I don't like it). I was really hoping that Madonna would come onstage and sing Express Yourself/Vogue.

I'm really looking forward to Bruno Mars - I LOVE his voice and his songs!
GAGA was terrible and that song sucks.. anyway I miss MJ terribly.. These performers are bland. There is absolutely nothing exciting about them
I agree about the new Lady Gaga song (well, it doesn't hurt my ears, but I don't like it). I was really hoping that Madonna would come onstage and sing Express Yourself/Vogue.

I'm really looking forward to Bruno Mars - I LOVE his voice and his songs!

I am not going to watch the show but I turned for a second and I caught Gaga. I thought Madonna might come out lol.
I had a feeling MJ was going to lose. It was a sympathic nom to be honest. Being nom for a song that was created 20 years ago...odd.

I loved Gaga's performance and Lady Antebelum. Also the tribute to Aretha Franklin was awesome!
Glad Eminem didn't win any of the major category awards. I am still pissed off at him for his mocking of MJ during the trial with that stupid video of his.
I didn't watch them. I'm not interested in anyone who is present, and I knew Michael wasn't going to win because these shows are nothing but a popularity contest anyway. I have better things to do with my time.
I didn't watch them. I'm not interested in anyone who is present, and I knew Michael wasn't going to win because these shows are nothing but a popularity contest anyway. I have better things to do with my time.

This. I knew it would make me angry/miss Michael even more so for that reason I have refrained from watching it.
I enjoyed Gaga's performance. Very solid. The egg thing was funny. I thought Katy's performance was sweet and that she did a better job than usual. Cee Lo and Gwen was unusual but fun. I didn't care for Usher for obvious reasons or his understudy. A grown man wearing the same pants as a 16 year says it all. HAHA! Anyhoo... that sums it up for me. Didn't really care for any of the rest of the show to even comment.

As for not watching it because Michael is gone... that's a really odd statement to me. I'm not undermining anyones grieving but MJ rarely attended award shows. More than likely had he still been alive, he wouldn't have attended. Just sayin'. To not watch because you don't dig the current music scene or any of the performers is one thing, but to say you can't watch because MJ wasn't there or is gone is simply bizarre. I don't mean to be disrespectful, I just find it odd.
I was actually impressed with the Grammy's this year....Some performances were duds (Katy Perry :puke: she's terrible, I'm sorry...) and Rihanna just cannot sing live...But Eminem's performance was fantastic...I missed Gaga's, but her performing does nothing for me...
So far I've only watched the Aretha tribute performance (which I thought was great) and the Bruno Mars/ B.o.b/ Janelle Monae performance which I really wanted to see.
I think that performance was great as well. I loved the full band / orchestra, the throw back feel, and the energy of Janelle's performance. I already love her as an artist though so I knew I wouldn't be dissapointed. :p
Other than that I'm not really interested in the others. From what I've heard so far the others weren't that memorable anyway. (although I did see pictures of Cee-lo in his outfit lol)
Maybe I'll look some other performances up later on. I don't know.

How do you guys feel about the winners?
I'm very surprised the grammy's didn't completely take their usual route and actually awarded Esperanza and Arcade Fire instead of the "favorites to win".
I'm very dissapointed Janelle Monae didn't win anything from her two nominations though.
That sucked imo.
I read that Lady Antebellum won 5 grammys. I think that is nice. It's nice to see people who work hard and don't always get all the attention win. The looks on their faces are genuine.
I don't bother with the grammy's, and I haven't done for years...........

They really have no meaning any more and nobody really cares for them any more.......

The fact that they did the Michael Jackson "tribute" just to improve ratings just proves how desperate they have become!!!!!
Well for me I only wacth the 1/2 of it... I kown that I miss Michael even more than it was since like a year ago. But I only like Areatha's turbite & on the one of the news on yahoo tv clips special (or something like that?) I heard that Christina did a little tumble.... :lol: but I'll did wacth Lady GaGa's performace & she sounded like Madonna.... :puke: now if MJ was still living he probbly just show up the awards show & then he counld've won.... I miss him even more :(
As for not watching it because Michael is gone... that's a really odd statement to me. I'm not undermining anyones grieving but MJ rarely attended award shows. More than likely had he still been alive, he wouldn't have attended. Just sayin'. To not watch because you don't dig the current music scene or any of the performers is one thing, but to say you can't watch because MJ wasn't there or is gone is simply bizarre. I don't mean to be disrespectful, I just find it odd.

I guess they're implying the chance for him to win something/show up in future if he was alive, and how that's now forever gone? I don't know.

I didn't watch because I didn't care for anyone who was going to be there that night.
OMG! Gaga's performance :horror was.... :fear: no comments!

It wasn't that bad. Not her best, judging her by her previously set standards, surely, but I wouldn't say it inspired any :horror: in me. More like
, but you could say the same of everyone else's performance that night, so she's not alone in being awful.
I thought Gaga and Katy did really well. Gaga was solid as usual and Katy's performance was especially sweet. I liked the wedding footage. I also thought it was vocally one of her best performances.