The glasses.


Proud Member
Oct 15, 2009
Why did he wear them so much? I think he looked so much better without them!

Would he have worn them in the actual tour...?
Well honestly...I think he always wore them when he wasn't comfortable. It was strange that he wore them at some rehearsals. How could he see and dance with them on? I don't know. But it made me wonder too because it was rather dark.
Maybe he had problems with his eyes?Maybe he hadn´t slept well.
Bright lights bothered his eyes in recent years. I am sure he would not have worn them during the concerts.
No, Michael would not have worn them in the concert. HE NEVER DID. When it's showtime, those glasses are off so his fans can see the eyes.

Remember in the Live in Bucharest DVD, he appeared with them on stage, then took them off and swung them to the side and began...
yeh i think it was because of the lighting, to save his eyes from straining, he didnt wear them in any other tour so dont think he was going to
Michael always wear them because he is shy. that´s the truth behind it. Michael is a shy person. He wears them as often as his allowed and could.
If he wasnt sleeping then his eyes were probably bloodshot and red and sensitive to light.
I agree he probably wasn't going to wear them, but maybe he planned to a little bit? They did look cool.
At times I expected them to fly across the stage because of his dancing/spinning haha
I wanted to see his face more without the glasses too. That's why I really like smooth criminal video. He has nice eyes. I think it was because he was shy and maybe he was protecting his eyes too. He wouldn't have worn them during the concert like that. During the different rehearsals for the songs he didn't always have them on.
hmm , shy for what , The stage is his home ,
I think it was for the lights and stuff ..
At times I expected them to fly across the stage because of his dancing/spinning haha

One time he did a spin and they flew off, but he caught 'em and popped 'em right back on.

And no, I don't think he would have worn them during the concert.
I remember in Billie Jean he took them off like twice for a second and put them back on.
Wut? Are you really asking why MJ wore glasses or I should say "shades" cause that's what he called them. Anyways I can't remember a time when MJ DIDN'T frequently wear them through out his career/life. He even said he wore them constantly cause he hated people looking into his eyes, he felt like they can see his soul.

I remember when he slides them off in the beginning of the Bucharest concert.....So beautiful was his eyes behind those glasses. *sigh*

Sorry if I am misinterpreting your question but I have never heard a MJ fan ask why he wear his shades.
In the Billie Jean Era he had them on when he was on stage and took it off for a brief second for the girls he said. lol! He always wore shades, it was his trade mark. Ray Ban.
I do not think he had low self esteem. It was his style. This was being filmed for his home library.
He even said he wore them constantly cause he hated people looking into his eyes, he felt like they can see his soul.

Yeah. He said he didn't want to look directly at someone, being that he was shy, so he wore the glasses. I can understand why he wore sunglasses. I'm a shy person, and I have hard time looking people in the eye. I can't imagine being as famous as he was, and have to look at all these people!!


"I've been accused of being obsessed with my privacy and it's true that I am. People stare at you when you're famous. They're observing you and that's understandable, but it's not always easy. If you were to ask me why I wear sunglasses in pubic as often as I do, I'd tell you it's because I simply don't like to have to constantly look everyone in the eye. It's a way of concealing just a bit of myself..."

Well, I would've liked to see his beautiful eyes more often..:(
Michael Jackson dancing with sunglasses??? How can you think that's not strange??
Michael Jackson dancing with sunglasses??? How can you think that's not strange??

Honestly i thought MJ looked his best with the shades and hat on in the Way u Make me feel. There is something about his eyes that didn't look right to me.
Honestly i thought MJ looked his best with the shades and hat on in the Way u Make me feel. There is something about his eyes that didn't look right to me.

you serious? he has the most beautiful eyes. they can make you melt on the spot. :swoon:
Yeah, it was a self-concious thing I think. He felt he looked better with glasses on and felt too awkward to take them off sometimes... :(
Well we all know he wasnt sleeping properly. Probably why his eyes didnt look quite right.

But ive heard none fans everywhere saying that MJ looked great and very 'early 90's' in the film.
Guys, I'm an Optical Dispenser and I work for an Optometrist...I can tell you, that MJ's glasses had prescriptions in them. MJ wore the sunnies not just because that was 'his style' but his vision required them. Also, being tired and bright stage lights do not mix! lol...