The girl in red?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I came across a video on Youtube, it was a video of MJ shopping with Paris for her birthday. Anywho, someone pointed out this girl (woman) who kept following them. Then someone else pointed out she was seen in several more pictures and videos. It was different days some videos she's wearing red and others pink and MJ and Paris were also in different clothes. So, if anyone knows what video Im talking about, who is the girl? Just a follower or someone with them?
do u mean the girl with long dark hair and she often gives michael cards/roses? i think she is a fan. i've seen her in a lot of photos/videos.
yeah, she looks really young. In all the videos she was just following him, haven't seen her give him roses.
do u mean the girl with long dark hair and she often gives michael cards/roses? i think she is a fan. i've seen her in a lot of photos/videos.
I saw that her name is Talitha, and she is a follower fan.
This girl?


She is a very lucky person. For all those people who have had the opportunity to be close to Michael, should be an honor and a privilege to have been so close to him.

And Michael was 3 times in Brazil and I had that chance... It makes me very sad... :(
Yeah, that's her. I didn't see those pics. But I've seen her in many videos
so jealous. :( i can't believe i will never get the chance to see him now.. ergh.
I just noticed it in these pics. But was Michael an active member of Kaballah (sp?)
no.there was never any evidence he was invovled. the strings were friendship braclets.he wore many
it's a friendship bracelet, it has tiny beads on it also if u look closely.