The gay dancer sterotype


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This is something that really pisses me off. Why is that whenever a man says he loves to dance (I'm not taking drunk dancing at a bar i'm talking professional dancing) some people question his sexuality? Is it because dancing is not seen as somethng that's ''manly'' because it has alot of grace to it?

Male Ballett dancers have it the worst
It's a thing that comes from a long time. It's always been this way. It's getting better, but there's still a lot of prejudice.
Prejudice corrupts everything. I never like to judge even for dancing sake.
It's a little strange because not that long ago it was considered the norm that every man 'well rounded' man should know how to dance, recite poetry with conviction and love the arts.

We'll get there. I think that has more to do with homophobia and less with dancing itself.

Oh yes! I hope we get back to that -.-
I think the stereotype was probably made up my males who could not dance. :cheeky:
I think it is because dancing is usually associated with sexuality (particularly feminine sexuality) in the collective mind of Westerners. It is absolute bollocks, of course--dancing does not indicate one's sexual preference. It's just one of the many unfortunate stereotypes we've concocted to make our lives more difficult.
That stereotype doesn't exist in Bollywood............Everybody dances in Bollywood!!!!
It's an absolutely silly stereotype but I guess it comes from the fact that many dancers are indeed homosexuals. Homosexuality has always been very deeply rooted in the arts in general. There's obviously plenty of straight men who dance as well. Just one of those things.