The Future of Music


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Providence, RI
Who do you think will be THE face/future of music among today's stars??? Who will create the new blueprint in terms of musically style, image, marketing, and visual artistry for the NEXT generation of stars the way MJ, Madonna, Bowie, Springstein, Prince, and countless others have done for the current crop of singer, songwriters, and all around entertainers???
Lady GaGa is trying I think, she'll be around for a long time and do something special.

The next decade in music will be very different from this decade.
I have no idea.....

But I'm really looking forward for a fresh young artist to take the industry by storm..
As far as this topic is concerned I wish I could think of the future..I stuck in the past still.....I just cannot look forward to new artist or their music until I am able to let go of me...TII and Michael WAS the future music..:sad:......thank you for the post anyway..
As far as this topic is concerned I wish I could think of the future..I stuck in the past still.....I just cannot look forward to new artist or their music until I am able to let go of me...TII and Michael WAS the future music..:sad:......thank you for the post anyway..

I know what you mean...

Michael is my everything- the past, present and future of music..

It's really hard to let go... :(

It's painful......
It kind of worries me, actually. I have yet to see anyone who will have an impact on music like Michael, Jackson 5, the Beatles, Bruce Springsteen (who I also adore, other than MJ), Janet and Madonna.

Guess we'll have to wait, see and hope that someone like that will come along. :)
I can't think of any.. I don't listen to a lot of "new" music.. I agree with the person above, I'm waiting for a new artist to come about
There is no more extraordinary musicians that were born in last 30 years... Michael's generation is probably the last one...
I'm waiting for a new artist to come along who is original and not copy to much from the other artists that came before them. They can be influnced by them but they shouldn't try to be clones of them.

Take Michael Jackson for example. His main influnce was James Brown but when you heard an MJ song or saw MJ live you never thought ''He's copying James Brown here'' you thought ''This is Michael Jackson'' but when you see newer artist like Usher and Ne-Yo you think ''Ok these guys are copying Michael Jackson''
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There's only a handful of current artists I enjoy, and most of them aren't brand new or upcoming. The newest ones are probably Kem, John Legend, Ledisi... Then there's people who have been around for a few years like Raphael Saadiq, R. Kelly, Maxwell, D'Angelo...

Stevie and Prince are still around and doing their thing, luckily.
I hope for a new Jackson 3 - Staring Prince, Paris og Blanket.
The problem is that when an artist get's to number 1 and sells loads these days the record company's then want every artist to sound just like them.

Let's say if Akon's next single sold a ton of copies and went number 1 worldwide. The record companies would want every artist to sound like Akon

Everyone is just copying everyone these days. There's no originality
The problem is that when an artist get's to number 1 and sells loads these days the record company's then want every artist to sound just like them.

Let's say if Akon's next single sold a ton of copies and went number 1 worldwide. The record companies would want every artist to sound like Akon

Everyone is just copying everyone these days. There's no originality

so true!

I remember when Justin Timberlake and Nelly Furtado released songs produced by Timbaland back in 2006 and then for the next 3 years everybody sounded like them!

Now everyones sounding like Lady GaGa!

*Note: when I say 'everyone' I mean a lot of peoeple in the charts.
The problem is that when an artist get's to number 1 and sells loads these days the record company's then want every artist to sound just like them.
That's not really new. When Miles Davis started cool jazz with his "Birth Of The Cool" album and became popular, labels started signing other musicians with this style. When the Beatles got big, there was a bunch of copycat groups soon behind, one even called "The Liverpools". The Shirelles became popular and so labels signed girl groups. After Bob Dylan, a lot records by folky groups were put out. The same happened with doo wop, hard rock, singer-songwriter, prog rock, jazz rock, disco, light rock, new wave, new jack swing, smooth jazz, 1980s hair rock, latin freestyle, etc. The market got saturated with a music style, people got tired of it and went on to the next thing. Most groups/singers that had some longevity changed their style every so often. The "Love Me Do" Beatles didn't sound like the "Strawberry Fields" Beatles. 1980s David Bowie wasn't like the 1960s folk pop or 1970s glam version. The Isley Brothers went from doo wop to rock n roll to Motown to funk rock to quiet storm to "Mr Biggs".
I hope for a new Jackson 3 - Staring Prince, Paris og Blanket.

Yeah I hope too.. but another way: I think its best for them have peace and not be so famous as their father.. i mean.. look at their father for what he was through :(
But if their will be singer/dancer/entertainer as their father.. then let their wish come true :) its their choose

But I Also think Lady Gaga will be.. i dont know.. she is so unique and make really nice songs that I still hearing today... But she's not a masterpiece I think :)
Who do you think will be THE face/future of music among today's stars??? Who will create the new blueprint in terms of musically style, image, marketing, and visual artistry for the NEXT generation of stars the way MJ, Madonna, Bowie, Springstein, Prince, and countless others have done for the current crop of singer, songwriters, and all around entertainers???

A bunch of young music exec's are frantically running around the States right now looking for the American version of Susan Boyle. There's probably a couple of dozen to be found, but getting a talented female to play the 'fame game', that is the 24/7 365 day promotion that goes with it is another thing.

Personally I hope Boyle's album sells 10 million plus worlwide, then the music industry (or what's left of it) would likely spend it's resources finding a higher grade of singers and music than the Hip-Hop movement has brought us the last 15 or so years.

Marty In LA