The First International Conference on Michael Jackson Cultural Heritage - Summer 2010


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

We are pleased to announce the First International Conference on Michael Jackson Cultural Heritage. The conference is hosted in Los Angeles for the Summer 2010 - June 25th, 2010. The goal of the conference is to attract high-quality research and technical papers focus Michael Jackson's cultural heritage.

The Conference provides an opportunity for researchers to present and discuss their latest results and to share ideas for potential directions of future research.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Musicology,
- Dance,
- Litterature,
- Arts,
- Photography,
- Sociology,
- Phylosophy,
- Philanthropy,
- Fashion design,
- Computer Graphics,
- Computer Vision,
- Technology.

The conference will be open to public. Moreover the conference keynotes will be performed by special guest and the conference will be accompanied by special events and tributes, to celebrate the life and the cultural heritage of Mr Michael Jackson. Future informations will be delivered on

Michael's cultural influence and overall impact has never once been fully recognised by the media.
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Michael's cultural influence and overall impact has never once been fully recognised by the media.

Not only media, but the media will forever twist the facts and impact of Michael Jackson, because of Elvis, his former status was overcome with all Michaels achievements, but just read these shocking articles made by Elvis fans about Michael.

Elvis Presley & Michael Jackson - Parallels in lives, deaths of Michael Jackson and Elvis

Elvis or Michael Jackson - who is the bigger star?

Annie: I'm so sick of the media overkill surrounding Michael Jackson. He was an OK singer who had a few major hit albums but that in no way can compare to what Elvis achieved during his lifetime. In 10 years time it will be Michael who? Elvis however will live on forever.

Thats why its important now after MJs passing to recognize his status and impact officially and factually!

Any fan pages (MJs or Elvis pages) will claim their truth but the facts are the one relevant measuring...
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This is amazing!!!! I would love to go to this!

and that Annie woman..........................pff. No words
What an AMAZING idea!!! I would definitely want to participate/go to this event! Thank you for posting about it.

I do believe it is extremely important for events like this to occur with all the lies and attention on Michael's personal life that the media focuses on.

As for those zealous Elvis fans. . . Well, people are always going to bash other great artists who are on par or better than their idol. Whether those fans like it or not, Michael is thought of as our generation's 'Elvis', whatever that means. But I give respect where respect is due. I think Elvis is an icon, but Michael is MY ICON and I will continue his legacy anyway I can, as did the Elvis fans.

BTW, those comments by Elvis fans are just from the Elvis fansite, I am assuming? If it's mainstream articles, then I'd be on a beatdown. But fans are entitled to their opinions, I guess. . . LOL! They may be delusional though!, where is the article. When I click on the link, nothing comes up but the banner.
What an AMAZING idea!!! I would definitely want to participate/go to this event! Thank you for posting about it.

I do believe it is extremely important for events like this to occur with all the lies and attention on Michael's personal life that the media focuses on.

As for those zealous Elvis fans. . . Well, people are always going to bash other great artists who are on par or better than their idol. Whether those fans like it or not, Michael is thought of as our generation's 'Elvis', whatever that means. But I give respect where respect is due. I think Elvis is an icon, but Michael is MY ICON and I will continue his legacy anyway I can, as did the Elvis fans.

BTW, those comments by Elvis fans are just from the Elvis fansite, I am assuming? If it's mainstream articles, then I'd be on a beatdown. But fans are entitled to their opinions, I guess. . . LOL! They may be delusional though!, where is the article. When I click on the link, nothing comes up but the banner.

Thats right, and this delusion is ridiculous - if there is a report that Michael has sold 1 or 10 or 100 mill. records, Elvis fans will claim Elvis has sold 5 or 50 or 500 million records, just not let Elvis be overcome by Michael, which he in fact has done..
Wonderful, who is putting this together, anyway
About the woman saying MJ wasan ok singer, wow, some people can really lie to themeseleves, hahah, poor deaf woman
Thanks for the good news! I wonder who is hosting the conference.

. . . Well, people are always going to bash other great artists who are on par or better than their idol.

Pure jealousy. MJ will never be forgotten, the generations to come will still watch his videos, eyes & jaws wide open. There will never be a greater aesthetic delight.
Would be awesome if this conference will be another step in plans for an official Michael Jackson museum. It'll be a bittersweet day, but I'd love to attend in June!
This is great. Michael has had such an impact on this world in so many different ways, he ahs broken down barriers like no one else - race barriers, social divides like age, religious beliefs etc. Everyone no matter what their background has has enjoyed Michael but has also learnt from him. His influence on the world as a humanitarian must be recognised. His influence across the world in his music and his energy highlights the world in happier times. I think this is a really good step forward and I think Michael would like this. He deserves wvery recognition for being a true pioneer in every way. I love you Michael!!
Thats right, and this delusion is ridiculous - if there is a report that Michael has sold 1 or 10 or 100 mill. records, Elvis fans will claim Elvis has sold 5 or 50 or 500 million records, just not let Elvis be overcome by Michael, which he in fact has done..

I am like I know I am like the men in the Philippines prison wasn't checking for no damn Elvis, it was called Michael Jackson Thriller. Also what did Elvis do that was so unique that other black artists didn't do before him? since some of the Elvis fanatics want to say he did something great. My friend how many kids did you see on the street mimicking Elvis as opposed to kids trying to do the moon walk?

Also Elvis married a 14-year old girl,ate himself to death and was on prescription drugs like crazy and fans want to say that is happy life? Whatever