The feeling of witnessing a new album


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi there,
I just had this urge to ask and at the same point say that: It is very dissapointing not to be able to witness a new album after becoming a fan.
How did you guys feel when you heard ( while beying a fan) that MJ's has released a new album ?
Im abit down because a became a fan during the trials and well... i got everything he had released and up until now was waiting for something new... sadly...
We might actualy get something new.. but with Michael already gone...

SO How DID you feel when you heard that Michael released a new album ? What album was it ?
I was only 8 when Invincible was released. :(

But I didn't become a fan until December 29th 2008, anyway.
Well, the one I remember the most, was HIStory...and Invincible...The rest I was still a little young....

I was 13 when HIStory came out....I remember my friend and I had made this little MJ calendar to count down to when it came out...I remember it was June 20, 1995...So it was almost the end of school as well...There was SO much on the news about the new album before it came out...I remember watching some sort of news show and they were showing how the album looked, double disc, gold discs...I got so excited about that!! And they were saying that it had a booklet with tons of pictures and what not in it, but they wouldn't show that part...I remember watching Scream for the first time, it was being premiered on MuchMusic (Canada's MTV) at 10 pm one night so I was just WAITING for that to start....My whole family watched it...I saved my money for the album, which was super expensive at the time, and the day it was released, my mom brought me to the mall, and I eyeballed it as soon as I saw it in the store, the whole wall was covered in HIStory albums, and I bought it, and went home right away to listen to it...I remember falling completely in love with TDCAU and SIM, and ES....Those are still my faves on the album....I think to this day, it's still my favourite album!

I would watch muchmusic everyday to see if Scream would come on and what position it was in the countdown....It was all pretty vivid to me....I bought the HIStory magazines that you could subscribe too...I still have them, and I would put up all the posters that were included in it...

Such a great time!

I also remember when Invincible came out...I bought it the day it was released as well..I was still in nursing school, in my first semester and I had to wait ALL day for school to end so I could go pick it up...I blasted it in my car right away! Unbreakable had me in awe! that song is so amazing loud!! Butterflies is another favourite, Break of Dawn...Threatend, Whatever Happens...
I was only 12 for Invincible but I got my mom to bring me to HMV on Grafton Street in Dublin to get it! There wasn't much hype annoyingly, but for me, I really started freaking out when Number Ones was released! I already had all the studio albums but this was NEW I suppose! Plus is it just my area in Ireland, or did anyone else notice a lot of others becoming big MJ fans when Number Ones was released, albeit for a short time...?

I'm praying that in a year or so, we'll be camping out for Michael's first post-humous unreleased and remastered material album! :D
I was only 8 when Dangerous came out, but that was the first one I remember. I remember the Black or White video was a big deal and we all watched it on FOX i think. I made my mom buy me the Dangerous album and she said we should get Thriller too! so those were the first CDs I ever owned.

I remember History with the statue floating down the Thames River in London. It wasn't cool to be a fan at that time (where I grew up at least). But I remember the album being everywhere. I dont know if you guys have Costco or Sam's Clubs but the one I went to had a huge aisle with just History cds (its a warehouse with huge aisles). I've never seen that before/since.

The one I remember best is Invincible. I had huge anticipation for it because I had been reading forums/fansites for years about all the songs he had recorded and all these superstar acts that he worked with. Ofcourse, most of them never make it onto his albums! Anyway, I was a freshman in college and there was a record store right across the street from my dorm. I went there for the midnight release and they were playing the album while we all waited in line. I wanted the green album cover and luckily thats the one they had. :) I was kinda frustrated because there was really no promotion for the album. But at least when You Rock My World came out, BET/MTV played it every 30 minutes so I watched it all night haha. I made all my friends get the album and most people were surprised how good Michael was because they had been brainwashed by the media. The album release was accompanied by the 30th anniversary concerts but I always wish there was more done to promote the album itself.

Overall though, whenever Michael was involved with something or made an appearance there was an energy and excitement that I've never felt with anyone else.

I wonder how it was in the 80s for Thriller and Bad?
Thanks for these stories - the closest I've come are getting greatest hits albums from HMV!

I'd love to hear more - especially OTW/Thriller/Bad ones!
The earliest Album i remember coming out is dangerous even though i was pretty young. I remember my cousins buying it and i would lurk around there house constantly just to listen to it, Luckily they lived right down the street so i could spend all day there lol. Then When HIStory came out i was BEYOND excited because i saw all the news coverage of the statues. So i begged/annoyed the hell out of my mother to give me some money to buy the album which she did (reluctantly of course but i didn't care). When i went first they music store was sold out and i was completely devastated and i went back everyday for like a week and they were still sold out. I was so depressed but my dad camped out when i was released (he was a big fan back in the day) and he ended up buying two and gave one of them to me! i was so excited i could abrely speak i spent a countless amount of hours in my room with my Walkman listening to it. Now with Invincible it was completly different because i didn't even know it was coming out so i didnt really have time to anticipate it i just remeber seeing YRMW on bet and going "Oh my god michael has new album out?!".
So i went down to the local record store and there it was without much flare in its own section they only had the silver color (i didn't even know about the other colors i didn't really read the fan sites or boards). I just picked it up and ive been in love with it ever since.

so there's my experience lol i really wish i was alive during the 80s its must have been so electric!!!
Thanks for these stories - the closest I've come are getting greatest hits albums from HMV!

I'd love to hear more - especially OTW/Thriller/Bad ones!

Believe me, I wish I could remember when those were released...I wasn't born for OTW, I was only a year old when Thriller came out , and I was I think 5 when Bad came out.....For Dangerous, I don't remember when the album was released, but he was EVERYWHERE during that era, so even though I was only 9 when it came out, I remember a lot...Especially all the videos, and the superbowl performance...It was when the oprah interview was aired that I became the obsessed fan I am
I am one of Michael's older fans. And the farthest I can go back to remembering one of Michael's albums coming out is the HIStory Album. I was 15 then and I remember all of the HIStory Era. Instead of half and a little bit of Michael's Bad and Dangerous Eras. OMG was I so excited hearing all of the news about this new album of Michael's. And I remember watching and taping the interview that Michael and Lisa did together with Diane Sawyer. And then showing the Scream video. I still have that interview on tape of course. And it was so amazing to see that video. And then going to get the HIStory Album during the Summer of 1995. I even remember hearing how Michael having to make changes to his song They Don't Care About Us. But I remember getting the cd before those changes were made. So I still have the original HIStory Album cd. With original version of They Don't Care About Us on that cd. I also remember then how they were saying that the HIStory Album was not for kids under 15. And they were not kidding when I had heard Michael using words that I thought would never hear from him. But I also understood why he would use language like that in some of his songs. Because he was angry at the time because he was being called a child molestor. But what I really remember to what was happening an year later with Michael. And that was all of the controversy over the making of his TDCAU videos. I have all of those news stories about that on tape. And it was just so crazy of what those tv tabloid news stories were saying about it. I thought they were just making a big deal out of nothing. I was 16 years old then and I really just didn't see what the big deal was. Plus it was during the HIStory Era was when I started to become highly obsessed with Michael. It was seeing Michael in those sexy gold pants was what spark my MJ obsession. I have been a gold pants girl ever since.
Oh man, i've been a huge fan since my 5th or i'm 27. I don't remember Thriller,Bad or Dangerous much. But i DO remember HIStory. It was incredible. It all started with an anouncement, the video of MJ leading those troops. And i will never forget that i was sleeping in the middle of the night, and my dad woke me up. Cause on the for the very first time they were gonna show the video of Scream. And just me and my dad watching the video....awesome.

Then when the cd came out, me and my dad went to the store and it was just amazing.
Wow... It sounds so amazing...

Sadly, I've never got to experience it but it's nice to know how it was back in the day...