The Fantastic Three: Vaccaro, Mann and Johnson!!! An unbeliavable story...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
An unbeliavable story develops in the case of Melissa Johnson. Here comes the details...

Johnson already used two sets of lawyers in his case against the MJ Estate since August, 2009. On November 1st, 2010 she hired a new lawyer, Edgar B. Pease. Does this name sound similar?

Pease was an attorney of Henry Vaccaro, the man who got ahold the biggest Jackson Family memorablia on the world through bankrupcy court. Now Pease is not only the attorney of Vaccaro and his Vintage Pop, but for Howard Mann and his Vintage Pop Media. Another interesting name?

Mann is the Canadian businessman who approached Katherine and Joe Jackson to support the collection Vaccaro still owns. They have release a book, a calendar and several other merchandises. So now Vaccaro, Mann and Johnson plays in the same team.

On the same day as Johnson hired Pease, Johnson and Mann signed a contract related to a business project. According to this contract Johnson will help Mann to promote the Vaccaro memorablias with her vast collection of intellectual properties related to MJ (mainly domains and trademarks). In a nutshell: Mann tries to get validity for making money of the memorablias, and found a good partner in Johnson who is still fighting against the MJ Estate. Mann will pay 33% of the profits to Katherine and 33% to Johnson (another shady move from Mann that he is not paying Johnson directly, but through Katherine), as well Mann pays all of Johnson's debts that already exceeded $130.000.

How come that Johson's case hasn't been thrown out by the Judge so far? She prayed for extensions in the case on many occasions. On the other hand Johnson has quite a lot e-mails backing her story. She claims that Shmuley Boteach approved her activities preserving MJ's Heal The World Foundation back in 2002.

And if it's still not enough, Johnson claims that in 2005 MJ approved for Johnson to act in his name when it comes to keeping HTWF alive. Guess who was the man between MJ and Johnson? Brian Oxman! Oxman even gave a written statement this September saying that MJ really approved Johnson's work.

Johnson in 2008 contacted MJ's than manager, Van Alexander. The manager once said to her that there is a fight in MJ's team and some "bad figures" took over MJ. Alexander advised Johnson to take HTWF on her own name, because MJ can't take care of it. Johnson furthermore contacted Al Malnik and Mark Harrison as well, both of them were well known representatives of MJ in earlier years.

So what Johnson owns? She has appr. 1800 domain names, trademarks registered all around the world. Pease claims that however MJ paid Johnson $25.000 in 2004 for some intellectual property, this amount was used for reviewal of the domain names. Johnson did not gave back the ownership rights to MJ or any of his entities.

And what Mann owns? 19800 photos, 26 hours of videos, 273 tracks related to MJ and his family.

While Mann is preparing for his testimonial hold on January 7, 2011 and Oxman the day before the parties are arguing over documents. Oxmann will be questioned about his interview gave to one of the television networkds this summer. While Mann will have to proove his connections to the Jacksons.

Unbeliavable, isn't it? Have you seen any articles with so many shady names at all?
I posted this picture of the invitation for Howard Mann's event called "Unveiling of the Jackson Secret Vault Lithographic Collection" in the 2300 forum two weeks ago. The event took place in Beverly Hills and Katherine attended to sign autographs.. look closely to where is says the proceedings will go.. You guys see it says it says "part of the proceeds of sales will go to the 'Heal the World Foundation' ".


Isnt this all so damn ironic and sad how Mann and Johnson has teamed and are now working together? Urghh
Just disgusting how many shady ppl surronded mj :no:
Only in Michael Jackson's world....These leeches keep popping up at every corner.
Just disgusting how many shady ppl surronded mj :no:

And how even in death they fight to benefit and stake claim to HIS name, HIS work, HIS image, HIS...HIS...HIS... Michael was the genuis. He was the charismatic mind blowing performer, and all these folks fight over his stuff like it truly is theirs, like they had something to do with creating the value for whatever they may have. They deserve NOTHING. Hope that soon will be the case.
And his Mom has gone into business with one of them. And wishes the estate will leave them alone? Hello no I said Branca ride them until they ride out
Not surprised of anything anymore..

At least he's free of all this... I think, somehow, if not, sure, that, by the high number of devious folks around him, the many schemes, the many fights among his 'managers', fictitious companies or poor excuses of companies ready to see blood fall just to get their hands on the milking cow, the madness and greed of Bain and Thome etc., etc., and people wondered why he couldn't sleep at night. They would've buried him one way or another, sooner or later... I think sooner. Before June 25, there was too much negative atmosphere around him, too much pressure from all sides, the Twitter mania also just got to install like crazy, people following his every step and reporting. How sick and inhumane is that. One person he was, not meat. Then the fateful London press conference happened, and the burdens he bore on his shoulder were the heaviest I've ever seen, I fell and broke down. May God bless his hunted soul at last.
Not surprised of anything anymore..

At least he's free of all this... I think, somehow, if not, sure, that, by the high number of devious folks around him, the many schemes, the many fights among his 'managers', fictitious companies or poor excuses of companies ready to see blood fall just to get their hands on the milking cow, the madness and greed of Bain and Thome etc., etc., and people wondered why he couldn't sleep at night. They would've buried him one way or another, sooner or later... I think sooner. Before June 25, there was too much negative atmosphere around him, too much pressure from all sides, the Twitter mania also just got to install like crazy, people following his every step and reporting. How sick and inhumane is that. One person he was, not meat. Then the fateful London press conference happened, and the burdens he bore on his shoulder were the heaviest I've ever seen, I fell and broke down. May God bless his hunted soul at last.

I agree MJ never stand a chance voucher and theft at his back......
Not surprised of anything anymore..

At least he's free of all this... I think, somehow, if not, sure, that, by the high number of devious folks around him, the many schemes, the many fights among his 'managers', fictitious companies or poor excuses of companies ready to see blood fall just to get their hands on the milking cow, the madness and greed of Bain and Thome etc., etc., and people wondered why he couldn't sleep at night. They would've buried him one way or another, sooner or later... I think sooner. Before June 25, there was too much negative atmosphere around him, too much pressure from all sides, the Twitter mania also just got to install like crazy, people following his every step and reporting. How sick and inhumane is that. One person he was, not meat. Then the fateful London press conference happened, and the burdens he bore on his shoulder were the heaviest I've ever seen, I fell and broke down. May God bless his hunted soul at last.

So true. It all makes you wonder how he survived to 50! I totally understand why he constantly changed his phone number. It was just another form of self protection from all the vultures trying to get to him to ravage him.