'The Exorcist' A Little Funny?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Canada - ON
Okay...so this movie, 'The Exorcist (the version you've never seen) ' HAS freaked me out a fair bit...but who else things that some scenes with the possessed Ragen are just a teeensy weensy bit amusing lol
Especially when the demon is like sticking it's long fork-like tongue out like a frog while the priest is reading from the bible. :rofl: I think I was laughing so hard I almost choked on some water hehe :p
the blob makes me laugh, but in its day that was a very scary movie LOL
the exorcist is one of my fav horror films!! it was well made for a 1972 novie the effects were great i have the version with all the added scenes its awesome!!!!
This film totally scared the s*** out of me when I first saw it. I don't ever plan to watch it again. I know it was 1970's and nothing but a creepy looking doll. BUT IT STILL CREEPS ME OUT!
Me and a bunch of friends watched it the other day and we were actually laughing our heads off lol! I remember getting scared when I watched it as a kid though. And those pop ups on websites of her scary face always get me!
I watched this movie with my cousins: a five year old, a seven year old, and a three year old. I was babysitting and we only watched the gory scenes...ain't I a great babysitter...they didn't get scared,we had popcorn and blankets...it was fun..