The Doctors Smiling Picture Makes Me Sick To My Stomach


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Everytime I see Doctor Murrays smiling picture on TV makes me sick to my stomach. Those big teeth are haunting.
well prob that is the only pic they have of him.....really quite a strange pic for this situation
Very strange picture indeed. He acts like he is a proud hero.
I'm gonna kill that guy, and let him die on his bed,

Then i will wait 1 hour like he did with MJ and i will call 911

Let's see if he can make it !
Maybe we should just chill, cause reports are flying around like crazy, and nothing is confirmed. Michael decided to have this 'doctor' working for him. Or at least...i don't know...but it was his doctor. And the stories about him being on meds keep continuing..something Brian Oxman has been saying from the start. Since MJ's passing.
I do think that people should not jump to conclusions about the situation.
Doctors save people; they don't try to kill them (with few exceptions).
I am sure the Doctor was fully vetted by AEG.
Michael Jackson fans should understand better than most that you shouldn't condemn people based on incomplete reports and information from dubious sources.

Let's wait until we know the truth of the matter before we start asking for this man's head on a platter.
I know that we shouldnt judge him, like people judged michael.

There are so many things that dont sound right.

1. If Michael was found with a pulse, why did he cpr on the bed. Could Michael be saved if cpr was done on the ground?
2. What was that doc doing in michaels room. Eventho they were probably living together, Michael wanted this privacy and Im sure that doc couldn just randomly walk in his bedroom to just go ''look'', hes a doctor not his parent
3. Why did that doc fled and did it not contact Micaels family
4. then hes making up all these damn excuses like ''the bed was firm'' or ''the phones werent working'' blablabla

if it would come from all of these tabloid papers i would be like ''common guys, lets wait and see'', but now its the doctor himself saying all these stupid things :mad::mad:
I do think that people should not jump to conclusions about the situation.
Doctors save people; they don't try to kill them (with few exceptions).
I am sure the Doctor was fully vetted by AEG.

That depends on where you live or whether you have money/insurance. Like Public Enemy says in "911 Is A Joke"
Michael Jackson fans should understand better than most that you shouldn't condemn people based on incomplete reports and information from dubious sources.

Let's wait until we know the truth of the matter before we start asking for this man's head on a platter.
Hardcastle, are you an idiot????????????????
Isn't it already bloody obvious the doctor is guilty????????????????
If he isn't, why did he make up all the excuses and hire a lawyer???
MJ fans living in the US, go beat him up till he's bedridden for the rest of his life.
Hardcastle, are you an idiot????????????????
Isn't it already bloody obvious the doctor is guilty????????????????
If he isn't, why did he make up all the excuses and hire a lawyer???
MJ fans living in the US, go beat him up till he's bedridden for the rest of his life.

Please, try to calm down. It won't help getting angry. We really don't know nothing besides the tidbits that leak from the press.
What is the point of having a personal physician if he isn't gonna do anything to help you?

Firstly, that night when Michael said that he didn't feel well, the doctor should have taken him to the hospital then. Or at least checked his heart. I mean I would think that the doctor's job was to make sure nothing happened to him during this tour. So you would think that if he said he wasn't feeling well, the doctor would have wanted to make sure that nothing was wrong with him. He should have taken him to the hospital.

Secondly, when the doctor found Michael not breathing, warm and with a pulse, he should have called 911 immediately and then tried CPR. That would have saved at least 30 minutes. And now he is saying that the house had no phone. Well, if you are gonna be someone's in house doctor, you should have a cell phone. Why didn't the doctor have cell phone of his own?
Yeah that picture makes him look crazy!! I can't stand seeing that picture of him everytime they show that damn picture i get angry!!
He said he did not know MJs address? How can he not know MJs address if he is his doctor? He must have known MJs address because how did he get to his house?

He is lying through that big smile.