The doctor's lawer was stammering


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I just don't understand the doctor and his role. He was staying at Michael house over night. His lawer stammered that it happened because he was Michael's friend rather than Michael felt bad and needed medical supervision. His lawer stammered big time on cnn and he seemed as if didn't believe in what he said.
Many questions are unanswered. The doctor is not open, he hides soemthing, he is afraid. I am not saying he killed Michael, but something is FISHY here!
Presumably, the results of the autopsies will answer a lot, if not all, of the questions about the doctor. It is certainly very puzzling in the meantime.
That whole interview on cnn disturb me ....big quesÞion about that doctor....

Remember he didn't know Mike's address yet he drove to Mike's house becuz the police impounded his somethings don't add up
They can say what they want, there is something going on. At this point, I do not believe Michael's death was natural. Billy Mayes died on Sunday and they already know what he died from (heart diease). Michael did not have to die and that is clear to me now. SOmething happen and it is going to come out. This Doctor stories is just not adding up.
Im still worried about it.. I feel like I need more details. My mind just is not at ease
also - let's not blame the doctor just yet...

it often happens so that celebrities pick bad doctors because they will give into their demands.... maybe Michael needed certain drugs and only a doctor like this would prescribe them
They can say what they want, there is something going on. At this point, I do not believe Michael's death was natural. Billy Mayes died on Sunday and they already know what he died from (heart diease). Michael did not have to die and that is clear to me now. SOmething happen and it is going to come out. This Doctor stories is just not adding up.

I read that this doctor didn't call 911 for 30 minutes after Michael collapsed. Yes he wasted 30 precious minutes running round the house, because he claims, he didn't know Michael's address, so he couldn't make the emergency phone call. "Didn't know the address??" HELLO???? I think he should come clean and tell us what in God's name happened in that house that day. For his sake, for Michael's family's sake, for all our sakes and in fairness to Michael.
I agree that it looks very fishy. Not knowing MJ's address? He could called on the security for god sake!

I dont wanna start any tabloidspeculations but somethings is concerning me big time.

Michael did PASS all physical tests that AEG made and AEG didn't only make one. Remember Robin Leach blog about MJ in early june? He wrote "he’s (Michael) had another clean bill of health from the insurance company. He’s ready to go!".

Okay I dont know what kind of medical examanination they did, but IF Mj was so sick and taking medicine like the press says, would MJ really pass the physical testst?

People who were close to MJ and saw him on rehersal all said he was in great shape and didn't look sick/weak at all.

It's just a mess. :(
I agree, I've seen the doctor's lawyer being interviewed a few times now and I just can't shake the feeling that he's flat out lying about something, I can't decide what though. But I've also noticed that when he's asked more "difficult" questions, he does tend to stammer alot, as well as looking down and to the right, which psychologists and behaviorists say is an indication of lying.
I don't really know how to give propoer CPR and I always thought to myself "what do I do if somebody drops dead or is dying in front of me"? and I thought call 911 right away
what this "poor doctor" did is more than negligence because everything he did was wrong it's almost as if he did it on purpose...or just didn't care.
this makes me so angry...poor michael
I think the doctor was not acting alone. This could be big. We will never know what happened to Michael and the truth will never be found out. Only GOD knows.

I have never believed it Michael died of Cardiac arrest, the man was a dancer and a fighter.

Feel free to check this link
I agree that it looks very fishy. Not knowing MJ's address? He could called on the security for god sake!
Not knowing the address??? WTF? His lawer said that the precious doc was Michael's friend and he stayed at Michael's house a few times! As much as I understood from what the lawer was bleeting that the doc stayed at Michael's house at the fatal night. The lawer didn't clarify whether it was because Michael felt ill. I understood that he was invited as a friend.
And he didn't know Michael's address????
Who's lying?
What bothers me most is that it's been exposed that he in fact is not a board certified cardiologist and that his partner at his practice in Houston, TX had his medical license suspended more than once for over prescribing medication.