The divine and the diabolical - Art of Dangerous


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011


Do not understand?
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can't read that language, but im familiar w/aliester...interesting
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Interesting to say the least...

I'm more interested in all other similarities pointed out than on the Aleister Crowley one...
its not crowley on it its the guy who founded some circus. cant think of his name right now.

PT barnam.thats the guy founder of modern circus or something like that
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IDK where it is now.. I would like to dig up my old thread about music and corilation to artists that fallow uccults, satanic worshiping, various hidden messages in songs and album covers, and a lot of stuff simular to that..

It was with us durring the mjjf days... IDK how to find it now.. I think it's lost somewhere in the music makes the world go round section
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interestin..dont understand the language lol but cool...ive always thought there was some hidden message n that picture
I suppose one can see whatever they want to see in pictures. This is but one point of view. Interesting, but not convincing.
^ ya.. and anyone that really looks at the DANGEROUS album can really see there is much more going on than even what mustafa is bringing out.. lol!

I personally find the album freaky yet cool..

I mean stuff is not put there for no reason.. Why do the angels have angry faces? Why is the world upside down? Why are the statues angry? What does the adam and eve portion symoblize?What is MJ's fixation on the number 7, and put in the album cover a few places? What's up with that evil looking demon monkey with wings? Why are the animals going into the darkness living, and the animals coming out skelital remaines? Why in the hand sculpture does it have the world in it's hand?

Oh the insanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! loL!
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