The Disciples

Maria MJ

Proud Member
Nov 16, 2009
East Europe
Even though I don't compare Michael to the son of god, I can't help drawing the parallels between the lives of Michael and Jesus. When Jesus ascended, his disciples were left lost..until he reappeared to let them know about the eternity of life and his presence by their side. It so reminds me of the millions of us, Michael's dedicated lovers/students who were left devastated in a meaningless, empty world.
Many of us were strong and wise enough to reach a level of conscience where this transformation becomes meaningful. Others are still struggling to find their way in the fog and grab themselves from memories or false hopes.
Yet there is something huge in depth and magnitude that remains to be accomplished over time. Perhaps this is why we are not just 12, but somewhere in the millions, scattered around the globe.

'Be fruitful and conquer the earth. Go and make disciples of all nations."
Matthew 28