The Decade According to 9-Year Olds (MJ Related)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Toronto, Ontario

So much has defined this past decade, but imagine what it would be like if the past 9 years were the only years you had lived through. Yahoo! News editor Allison Louie-Garcia spoke to fourth graders in Orange County, Calif. to get some perspective on the '00s from those who have only experienced it. From naming the biggest celebrities, to discussing computer habits, to explaining 9/11, these 9-year-olds' answers--often funny, sometimes sobering, always candid--offered a clear snapshot of life in the 21st Century.

Very interesting to hear what these kids have to say.
This is pretty cool! I'm not surprised most of the kids think Michael is the biggest celebrity, yet i am surprised at the same time. Is that weird? I still know many parents who won't let their children listen to Michael because of what has happened in his past.

i'm also kinda not surprised that their biggest piece of news was Michael's death. Hell, other than 9/11 and Obama's win of the presidency I think Michael's death wins as biggest news for the whole decade! But I just really love that they consider him the biggest celebrity....and he's not here anymore! He's passed away...yet they still put him on top. Save for the few who consider the JB's or Selena Gomez as the biggest celebrities of course.

This is funny I find this now when just a few days ago I witnessed the same thing here in the Midwest. I was observing an elementary music class I'll be teaching in next semester and...well some words led to another and soon enough the kids are asking me to sing for them! I'm like, what?! So, i dunno what to sing, so I ask them what they would like me to sing. Mind you, these are 4th graders too like in the video. Some shout Beyonce (hell no!), and one said Alicia Keys (ok maybe).. but then one kid said, "Can you sing Michael Jackson?", and all the other kids start shouting in unison "yea, Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson!" I'm like, wait, you know who he is?! Their like, YEA, duh!!!! I go, ok, which song?

Bad idea to say, lol

They start shouting out Thriller, Beat it, Bad mostly, and i'm like well these aren't singing songs and rather dancing songs! But one girl asked me to sing "You are not alone", and i point at her and go OK! I'll do that one if you sing with me! She looks at me real shy and says ooook. So I did the chorus of YANA while the little girl softly sang with me.
It was cute, but embarrassing at the same time!
This is pretty cool! I'm not surprised most of the kids think Michael is the biggest celebrity, yet i am surprised at the same time. Is that weird? I still know many parents who won't let their children listen to Michael because of what has happened in his past.

i'm also kinda not surprised that their biggest piece of news was Michael's death. Hell, other than 9/11 and Obama's win of the presidency I think Michael's death wins as biggest news for the whole decade! But I just really love that they consider him the biggest celebrity....and he's not here anymore! He's passed away...yet they still put him on top. Save for the few who consider the JB's or Selena Gomez as the biggest celebrities of course.

This is funny I find this now when just a few days ago I witnessed the same thing here in the Midwest. I was observing an elementary music class I'll be teaching in next semester and...well some words led to another and soon enough the kids are asking me to sing for them! I'm like, what?! So, i dunno what to sing, so I ask them what they would like me to sing. Mind you, these are 4th graders too like in the video. Some shout Beyonce (hell no!), and one said Alicia Keys (ok maybe).. but then one kid said, "Can you sing Michael Jackson?", and all the other kids start shouting in unison "yea, Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson!" I'm like, wait, you know who he is?! Their like, YEA, duh!!!! I go, ok, which song?

Bad idea to say, lol

They start shouting out Thriller, Beat it, Bad mostly, and i'm like well these aren't singing songs and rather dancing songs! But one girl asked me to sing "You are not alone", and i point at her and go OK! I'll do that one if you sing with me! She looks at me real shy and says ooook. So I did the chorus of YANA while the little girl softly sang with me.
It was cute, but embarrassing at the same time!

That's so cute :D!!
Awww..I love how they respond to the sound of an internet connection being made. "Tv? A car? That's the machine that answers when people don't pick up the phone" LOL
This is so cute. This is why Michael will never be forgotten. He appeals to every generation. Kids in thirty years will still be dancing to Michael.

So much has defined this past decade, but imagine what it would be like if the past 9 years were the only years you had lived through. Yahoo! News editor Allison Louie-Garcia spoke to fourth graders in Orange County, Calif. to get some perspective on the '00s from those who have only experienced it. From naming the biggest celebrities, to discussing computer habits, to explaining 9/11, these 9-year-olds' answers--often funny, sometimes sobering, always candid--offered a clear snapshot of life in the 21st Century..

The premise seems a bit ridiculous to get a 10-year-old's perspective on 9/11 when he was what, one yr old when it happened? lol . "Oh yeah, I was looking through the bars of my crib when the first plane hit and thought it was an accident, but then it happened again a few minutes later, and I knew something was up," lol. The sentiment of getting a child's perspective of the decade is nice, but it seems to defeat the purpose when the subject matter can't remember 30 to 40 percent of the decade in question. Shame on Yahoo! news and the teacher for shoddy math and reporting, but thanks for posting.
The premise seems a bit ridiculous to get a 10-year-old's perspective on 9/11 when he was what, one yr old when it happened? lol

I completely disagree.

It's so weird hearing about 9/11 from someone who wasn't even there, it was something that needed to be in the video and it is one of the most interesting parts.

They aren't supposed to remember anything.... that is the whole point of asking the question.
LOL!!! "I'm afraid of Bloody Mary but now my mom told me its just a drink"!!! lol that was funny... :laugh:

Thankyou for posting this...they all know about His music not the Sharade the media created!!! Thankyou! :D


And that is what's awesome about it, when some MJ hating Adult men and women can't even think for themselves when it come to MJ related topics those kids know the real MJ.
I would love to thank the kids that say MJ is the biggest, and I would like to correct the kid that sad a plane crashed into the pentagon cuz than wasn't the case imo.

cute kids, thanks for posting
Cute cute and reeeeeally interesting. I had no idea how long ago some of this stuff was until I watched that! I feel like most of that stuff was just a couple years ago. I feel really old now. =/ I just can't imagine growing up in this crazy digital world...We had Gameboys and Walkmans, my parents had beepers. That was about it. =P
See - this is what I mean.

Michael WILL LIVE ON beyond our generation/s (Baby Boomers, X-ers, Y-ers and Millenials) - he will be cherished & loved 1000 generations from now, if we still have a Planet Earth.
thanks for that. it's heartening to know that, of all the things the kids said, in that video, everything they said was something that was preached to them, or, taught them, on a regular basis...except one thing. the life of Michael Jackson. everything they said about him, was positive, though i am sure, what was taught them, was negative. all the artists that they said were big, other than Michael, were played endlessly on the radio. Michael's music was scarce on the radio. they're only 9, so chances are, anything they heard about Michael, was negative, and they had to look him up to come up with their own conclusions. apparently, no one forced them to look him up. and by far, they consider him, the biggest of the celebs. in contrast, if an artist, outside of Michael, wasn't played on radio, the kids didn't recognize that artist. obviously, MJ's impact is special. and kids are much closer to truth, in their hearts. they know it in their hearts. maybe it's not such a good idea to grow up.
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