The Dancing For This Is It

The Moonwalker

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Harrogate, England
I don't know if it's just me...

But in my opinion, he looked so much more energetic than the HIStory world tour! His dancing looks electrifying from what the trailer shows!

When I was watching it, it somehow reminded me of the Bad tour footage I've seen, he just looks really...full of life...ah I don't really know how to describe it.

After I saw the trailer, I just wanted to get up and dance! And that only happens whenever I watch footage of Michael from the 80s. I know I'm probably not expressing myself very clearly, but I guess I'm just really shocked by how Michael was moving!

So, if you want to discuss the dancing for This Is It, I guess this is the place :)

Sorry my part wasn't very coherent...I'm just a tad excited :D
After everything I've seen in the TII trailer, VMA's tribute and the dance auditions, I must say that this is the best selection of dancers Michael ever had on his side.
I'm so sorry for them that their dream fell apart (but at least they DID get to dance with MJ).

The guy that missed the lean at the vma's tribute must feel so bad, but I think it wasn't his fault, looked like his pins in the floor didn't work or something.
i agree.
this tour seems to have beat the HIStory tour and Dangerous tour by a couple miles.

and if the BAD tour was a 10 out of 10 then judging by just the rehearsal footage, the This Is It Tour would've been a close 9. and this would be because the BAD tour was 100% live well if u don't include smooth criminal bad and man in the mirror.

i can's wait for the live album that coincides with the film
it's goin to be amazing!
It sure was full of energy and power.

It's so very sad we never got to see this.
I remember read that people close to MJ during rehearsals said they saw the Michael of 20-25 years ago, full of energy etc
I remember read that people close to MJ during rehearsals said they saw the Michael of 20-25 years ago, full of energy etc

Yes, Timor Steffens said that on his tv interview in The Netherlands... he told the truth.
Michael looks happy he was smiling a lot, But he has this song call SMILE..where it says 'Smile even though your heart is Aching Smile even though it is breaking' so we will never know..
But I would Like to think it was genuine for 'US' fans and His children whom he wanted to be there at his shows.